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  1. Kajutyun

    Azerbaijan: T-90SA, BMP-3M, Msta-S, TOS-1A

    gr8vision[/MENTION]: I'm sorry, but you are idiot. You think your smart because you scoure the internet, but you are no better or smarter than any of the Turks on this forum. I don't know where you are getting that Armenia keeps track of all noncombat deaths in Azerbaijan. They will take notice...
  2. Kajutyun

    Azerbaijan: T-90SA, BMP-3M, Msta-S, TOS-1A

    duplicate post
  3. Kajutyun

    Azerbaijan: T-90SA, BMP-3M, Msta-S, TOS-1A

    Uhm...are you stupid? You think that Armenia keeps track of every noncombat death in Azerbaijan? lmao. The spreadsheet is based on APA, which records 53 deaths, so you can be sure that there are more. And no, you cant see it. But you can go back and look in APA archives. Living in the US...
  4. Kajutyun

    Azerbaijan: T-90SA, BMP-3M, Msta-S, TOS-1A

    @gr8vision: on second thought, make your points more concise an I will respond to them. EDIT: Fine -_-...I cant resist. Nope. You and your compatriots have committed genocide against 1.5 million Armenians. You have no right to speak like this. I'm keeping a spreadsheet of individual...
  5. Kajutyun

    Azerbaijan: T-90SA, BMP-3M, Msta-S, TOS-1A

    @gr8vision: I have no intention of reading the epic full of lies that you just wrote. Consider it a tactical victory for yourself.
  6. Kajutyun

    Azerbaijan: T-90SA, BMP-3M, Msta-S, TOS-1A

    Discussing history with a Turk. Exhilirating... Well no sh*t. Shahumian was never part of independent Karabakh BECAUSE it is occupied by Azerbaijan. Also, for future reference, I have no intention of arguing correcting the terminology "occupied regions of Azerbaijan." This is sheer idiocy...
  7. Kajutyun

    Azerbaijan: T-90SA, BMP-3M, Msta-S, TOS-1A

    @gr8vision I have no idea why you are false-flagging. Chances are, if you are American you would have never heard of Armenia or Azerbaijan. If, by chance, you are an intelligent American, then you would realize that everything you said is complete BS. You also cite sources in Turkish...
  8. Kajutyun

    Azerbaijan: T-90SA, BMP-3M, Msta-S, TOS-1A

    I really don't know what you want from me. You asked me to give you examples of quantitative and qualitative parity, and I explained to you how Armenia and Karabakh maintain the balance of strength. Maybe "parity" is not the right word...English is neither my first or second language. I...
  9. Kajutyun

    Azerbaijan: T-90SA, BMP-3M, Msta-S, TOS-1A

    I thought that you regarded all Armenian media as misinformation...nice to see that you changed your mind :D By parity I do not mean that both sides are equally well equipped...I mean that the relative strength has been the same. Basically for the past 20 years and during the Karabakh war...
  10. Kajutyun

    Azerbaijan: T-90SA, BMP-3M, Msta-S, TOS-1A

    :D :D :D You are honestly the easiest Turk to argue with because you are so ignorant of history. Pick up a book, or search the internet for the public opinion of Turkey under the Demirel administration.
  11. Kajutyun

    Azerbaijan: T-90SA, BMP-3M, Msta-S, TOS-1A

    You're absolutely right, Iran would not intervene militarily on behalf of Armenia. But as long as you're talking about hypothetical situations, it's worth mentioning that there will not be a war between Azerbaijan and Karabakh anywhere in the near future. Especially given Azeri presidential...
  12. Kajutyun

    Hassan Rohani | The New Iranian President.

    موفق باشید آقای رئیس جمهور :D From Armenia :cheers:
  13. Kajutyun

    Turkmenistan Makes Another Quiet Purchase Of 8 Warships

    Turkmenistan has huge oil and gas reserves, a lot of which are located in contested areas of the Caspian sea. Other than this, the Turkmen economy relies on agriculture. Naturally, as the Azeri-controlled reserves decline in output (Peak-oil theory and backed by statistics), Azerbaijan will...
  14. Kajutyun

    Turkmenistan Makes Another Quiet Purchase Of 8 Warships

    Educate yourself: Azerbaijan & Turkmenistan Disputes and The Tragedy of the Commons | Center for Strategic and International Studies Report: Turkmenistan Attacks Azerbaijan In Caspian, Aliyev Asks Help From Russia | EurasiaNet.org
  15. Kajutyun

    Turkmenistan Makes Another Quiet Purchase Of 8 Warships

    Most likely directed against Azerbaijan or Iran, in anticipation of conflict over Caspian resources.
  16. Kajutyun


    And Karabakh Armenians weren't?!?! Do you know what happened in Nakhchivan? In the 1920s when Stalin gave it to Azerbaijan, it began to be cleansed of Armenians. By the time the Soviet Union collapsed, there were no Armenians there to fight for independence. All of our khachkars (cross...
  17. Kajutyun


    My point is that the level of racism coming out of Azerbaijan compared to Armenia is enormous. Nobody says Azerbaijanis can't come back to Karabakh. It's Aliyev who is treating the displaced persons like crap by refusing to build them homes (so that they can continue to be recognized as IDPs)...
  18. Kajutyun


    You seem reasonable. Have you ever been to Azerbaijan? Have you experienced the level of anti-Armenian racism at the official level. There's TV channels that run such hate 24-7. Then the government continues on to do stuff like pardon Ramil Safarov and threaten to target Metsamor NPP and cause...
  19. Kajutyun


    As far as I understand, Turkey wanted S-400 but Russia was offering S-300. And S-300s are one of many contending for Turkey's air defense systems, among US Patriot and some Chinese system. Yeah, Azerbaijan maintains the latest versions of the S-300 system, most of which are deployed near...
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