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  1. E

    what kind of East Asian Community we need ?

    I think it's simple. Japan knows how to play the game and this will help him get more benefits (from US). For China, it is not that important if the East Asian Community combined with India/US, etc. will become neither fish nor fowl. What matters is that China should focus on developing.
  2. E

    beijing prepaid for PRC 60'S Celebration!!great pics of beijing

    Please allow me to post some Chinese. Sorry 我看见奥运的图了(奥运新闻)。对不起…&#8230...
  3. E

    China Russia relations

    Yes, I agree. Thank you very much. I did have some mistake. ^ ^
  4. E

    China apologises to Nigeria over fake drugs

    What a shame if it were true. China, as a country, cannot be blamed for some companies. But if she apologized, it proves that she is honest enough to stand correct. Move on, China. Hope this will give a lesson to some of the related officials. :(
  5. E

    China Russia relations

    Well, yes. I remember. But things are always changing, and we are confident about ourselves. And in my opinion, military is sensitive for China because she has to consider and benifit. Buying too many high tech weapons might push her under foreign media attack: The "China threat" theory...
  6. E

    China Russia relations

    I agree with this. Russia doesn't want a militarily equal super power for a neighbor. Actually, I do not think she wants any in the world. But the reason why China is not buying might not be so simple. After all, for China, buying from Russia is not the only way to get weapons.
  7. E

    India China war in October again?

    God. Sick on seeing this kind of "news". Neither India nor China will benifit from this kind of wars. So why war between them again?
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