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  1. K

    PYD's Muslim: Ankara agreed to conditional autonomy

    That report is not BS. It's true. The same requirement applies to most European states expect for Russia. Even when Iraq bought training planes, the requirement was that a certain amount of the pilots be Kurds. In fact, the Iraqi air force commander is a Kurd, and his son is an f16 pilot...
  2. K

    PYD's Muslim: Ankara agreed to conditional autonomy

    Read my post again, I said the Iraqiya party which began as a Turkish puppet was aimed at undermining Kurds. That off course failed. Barzani isn't on Erdogens side, they simply have mutual understandings at the moment, just like The Shia and Kurds were prior to 2010. Kurdistan can declare...
  3. K

    Muslim of China

    Interesting thanks for the post.
  4. K

    PYD's Muslim: Ankara agreed to conditional autonomy

    Seems like certain members here are quite deluded. Sheep tend to forget things quite easily, most commonly, not even knowing the full story. Let me take you back in time. In 2003, Turkey was completely against any Kurdish movement in Iraq. Turkey openly supported anti-Kurdish factions in Iraq...
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