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  1. DanPak

    Could he pass as Pakistani?

    No he looks Pakistani to me What are the differences between Nord Indid and East Iranid? Do you know?
  2. DanPak

    Could he pass as Pakistani?

    What is the differences between Nord Indid and East Iranid?
  3. DanPak

    Could he pass as Pakistani?

    You look like an uglier version of him lal
  4. DanPak

    Post the most beautiful Pakistani woman ever

    Post them go go go
  5. DanPak

    Could he pass as Pakistani?

    Many Pakistanis are Nordindid / East Iranid (that is the name of the phenotypical classification) Example: Imran Abbas Huh it's the general subforum, it's for general things that don't pertain to military
  6. DanPak

    Could he pass as Pakistani?

    They have tall narrow noses, narrow faces, lightish skin etc However Western media always portray Pakistani as dark and pretty much very Southern Indian looking, White people can't even tell the difference, they are retarded
  7. DanPak

    Could he pass as Pakistani?

    Yes or no?
  8. DanPak

    Favourite Pakistani meal

    Lahori beef kahari
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