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  1. M

    INS Vikramaditya

    you guys do realise that this ship can become a sitting duck in a matter of seconds if she faces a sub right. and if not equiped with anti-sub hunting equiptment it will be a complete wast of money.
  2. M

    JF-17/FC-1 Thunder Fighter

    I'm just asking guys what would happen if pakistan went for a western engine like the Volvo Flygmotor RM12.
  3. M

    Average Pakistani Soldier

    Pakistan has started to make it's own body armor and is equiping all of its soldier with this armor as far as I know. I also know that all soldiers are being equiped with 5.56mm weapons.
  4. M

    Bangladesh-Pakistan Defence Corporation

    Well Pakistan is selling military equipment to Bangladesh and resently has offered the Al-khaild MBT. Pakistan also helped by setting up a C4I system for Bangladesh. Here is the link:www.bdmilitary.com/main/military/air/airforce/systems/baf_c4i.htm
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