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  1. timberwolf

    Fake PAF J-10 Picture on Wikipedia.

    Yaar, DSi would be very difficult, as no other aircraft which has chin inlet has DSI, so that wud require manual painting, which i am not very good at/ Abt, PAF's original Camo. like on F-16's that is out of fashion now . Look at Hellenic AF or UAEAF's Camoflague, that is the way to go.
  2. timberwolf

    Japanese Fighters

    Oyeeee ! Koe tzi Yarou, Hayeek :guns:
  3. timberwolf

    Fake PAF J-10 Picture on Wikipedia.

    Well, FC-20 (Improved J-10-S) is here. Share ur views and comments or Constructive criticisM . :enjoy:
  4. timberwolf

    Type 08 Assault Rifle

    INSAS is Indian Rifle. Israeli's had Galil(e).
  5. timberwolf

    PAKISTAN AIRFORCE WALLPAPER (by Waleed) my work once again!

    Wow. That's the way to go. I never cared abt it earlier. But as i m getting more into the business, i'll need this approach. Najam...!!! u r so cool . lolz
  6. timberwolf

    PS twin seater JF-17

    ^^ Becuz, it is Rafale's canopy.
  7. timberwolf

    PS twin seater JF-17

    PAF's 2009 calender has f-16 blk 52 pics on it. SO, defenitly PAF is eagerly waiting for its Eff-Solaa's and with them will come AMRAAM's. So i doubt that all 500 AIM-120's are to be used on f-16's. THey will definetly be integrated with JF-17 and FC-20. As PAF has done earlier with AIM-9...
  8. timberwolf

    PS twin seater JF-17

    Adobe Photoshop Cs 3 u shud have known , why its called photoshop.:P
  9. timberwolf

    PS twin seater JF-17

    Thunder Loaded with Ra'ad . :enjoy:
  10. timberwolf

    Fake PAF J-10 Picture on Wikipedia.

    So u are actually requesting a P.S. I'll give it a try. Stay tuned... Right now i m working on weapon integration on thunder. After it's done, i'll start this project. BTW , real FC-20 is also not far enough. Wasn't end of 2009 the time for induction of J-10 ?
  11. timberwolf

    PS twin seater JF-17

    Much obliged janab ! Nope, it's Rafale's . No wonder looks so great . i tried it with Mirage 2000, Eurofighter and RAfale . In the end RAfale's was the best suited to our Thunder. u can view them HERE
  12. timberwolf

    PS twin seater JF-17

    Nope, IIRAF F-14 has brown, yellow-brown and green color . The aircraft i used was f-16 D-blk 52, had USAF markings and Camo. much alike IDF F-16I. Dont know since when USAF started to use such camo ? I'll post the pic if someone's interested.
  13. timberwolf

    PS twin seater JF-17

    Yup . Older thread is here. http://www.defence.pk/forums/military-photos-multimedia/5481-jf-17-twin-seater.html P.s. do visit my blog ppl Moi Bloogie I'll be uploading a pic of this Thunder Attack Varient with weapons, Though i am having some problems with integration of Raad with Thunder...
  14. timberwolf

    PS twin seater JF-17

    Ummm.. i prefer quality over quantity:P Actually i only started posting three days before. P.s. i had already posted it yesterday in older thread for Twin seater JF-17 Comrade, there was no need to open a new thread. Waste of band width u know . peace V,,
  15. timberwolf

    PAKISTAN AIRFORCE WALLPAPER (by Waleed) my work once again!

    I saw this wallpaper on an other forum couple of months before and it amazed me quite a bit. That J-10 with CFT's is fascinating. and the UAV in the middle, is it Turkish ? p.s. Though people make wallpapers like this all the tym, but i wonder how do they segregate all that many planes from...
  16. timberwolf

    Fake PAF J-10 Picture on Wikipedia.

    err ... What i do is that i use photoshop and edit .Therefore my pics are not perfect. But there are already CGI pics of a J-10 with DSI, Dorsal spine, IFF, Jf-17 style RWR, and CFT's by Gao Shan. He is a pro. and his pics are 3d full with detail. Let me know if u haven't seen them. I'll post...
  17. timberwolf

    Fake PAF J-10 Picture on Wikipedia.

    First thanx for liking, which i can sense hidden deep in ur words . lol Which topic are u talking abt, Send me the link and i'll post it ASAP.
  18. timberwolf

    Fake PAF J-10 Picture on Wikipedia.

    Nice to see u here Najam .. Ur words are always helpful. Sure im just a rookie in this field, but im trying and improving, That's for sure . Im also in Dire need of tips from guys like u . :angel:
  19. timberwolf

    JF-17 Twin Seater

    Well, here is my version of Twin seater JF-17 attack variant ... Do share ur views . Enjoy
  20. timberwolf

    Fake PAF J-10 Picture on Wikipedia.

    This is the retouched version . And keeping it objective plz point out any short comings in a civilized manner, i'll be glad to improve. The pic and a little description can be viewed here @ PR BloG
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