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  1. timberwolf

    Photoshops and CGIs

    Thought i'd share one after all this time:
  2. timberwolf

    Photoshops and CGIs

    salam all, posting after a long time:
  3. timberwolf

    Photoshops and CGIs

    Now this is something.
  4. timberwolf

    Photoshops and CGIs

    well, ... , ive been busy lately . didnt even have internet access at hand for like 3 months . But seeing ur appreciation , it makes my haaart melt ..... ahhahaha
  5. timberwolf

    Photoshops and CGIs

    lol .. yeah it is JF-2000 Toofaaan .. :cheesy:
  6. timberwolf

    Photoshops and CGIs

    salam all after a long break, im here again . with another jf17. Hope u guys like it .. Link
  7. timberwolf

    Pakistan Airforce IL 78 with PAF upcoming J10B Over Islamabad

    Amazing job stealth . the alignment, the background is just perfect. and the way u acheived the low vis camo on fc20, that is , well, state-of-art lol
  8. timberwolf

    Behold It's Janbaaz.

    U can use proxy networks to get past firewalls. i use remainhidden.com to watch youtube .
  9. timberwolf

    Photoshops and CGIs

    Last of my efforts for the time being. Studies are getting quite demanding these days. :pakistan zindabad: :pakistan:
  10. timberwolf

    Photoshops and CGIs

    Been Quite a long time since i was online here. sorry for late replies najam and growler. Growler :Good idea. will look into it some time later. Najam : Nope , not yet. Have been quite busy lately.
  11. timberwolf

    Photoshops and CGIs

    that wud be soo nice of u . Thanks .
  12. timberwolf

    Photoshops and CGIs

    Yeah, i have already used the backgrounds u sent me in differnt pics, The background in FC20 pic above is one of them. Now that i think of ur PM , it was about making own backgrounds , but im a lazy guy. i was wondering if only there's some easy way to get clean backgrounds, like a site or...
  13. timberwolf

    Defense Day Wallpapers by Me....

    ^^ Well, every thing is set. Participants, theme and plateform. Now its up to Mods/Webmaster to take the initiative. I would participate in PS wallpaper contest . Though i dont make wall papers, but i'll try this time.
  14. timberwolf

    Images from PAF exercises

    Too bad, imageshak is banned in china. Not only that, facebook, blogspot, wordpress, youtube are also banned . Cheers :partay:
  15. timberwolf

    Photoshops and CGIs

    Spectacular, Superb backgrounds and the planes seem to blend in quite nicely . Great jjob .
  16. timberwolf

    Photoshops and CGIs

    Haha. Im honored .lolz. the problem with making inflight pics is that most of the tym i cant get a decent background. I searched google quite many times with key words " sky or cloudy sky, " but almost all te pics are shot from ground, so they are of no use. The background pics u have...
  17. timberwolf

    Defense Day Wallpapers by Me....

    Good suggestion. I am all for it . Maybe webmaster can hold a Defence.pk Editing contest. the event can be held once or twice a year and theme can be selected by the Mods.
  18. timberwolf

    Photoshops and CGIs

    i was actually thinking of going for Raptor style 8) . Will post a retouched version soon .
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