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  1. M

    CPC's reaction about the 1998 anti-Chinese massacre

    The proper way to describe the event in 1998 is a political and economic chaos that victimized the whole Indonesians, not just Chinese. The potrayal of 1998 riots in Chinese community is so distorted as if all the victims were only Chinese and the sole riots is because of Chinese. The one who...
  2. M

    [TIME] What Indonesia Can Teach Thailand and Egypt About Democracy

    That is Thai's problem~ whether it will lead to better or worse is in their own hand. Time will eventually settle everything~ Do you prefer a perpetual chance of hope or gamble your life to have a badass leader like Kim Jong Il or Mugabe with no chance of seeing any reform?
  3. M

    [TIME] What Indonesia Can Teach Thailand and Egypt About Democracy

    The essence of democracy is to let everyone voice their opinions~ whether it leads to the society for worse or better is fully on the hand of the peoples. At least you could have 5 year cycle for restarting, that means perpetual hope for the better future and reform. If you have authoritatian...
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    Religious Ironies in East Timor

    Well~ those are a very hard and turbulent years for Indonesia. Back then, Indonesia was an inch towards Balkanisation. It's remarkable how Indonesia managed to stabilize and recover nowadays. The article analysis might be true. There are certain rumors that hardline groups such as FPI was set...
  5. M

    My reasons why SCS islands belong to China

    As I said, sovereignty could be lost if state ceased to exercise it~ that is the precedent set by ICJ Did china really exercise jurisdiction surrounding the islands as soon as Japan surrendered? No~ China was busy fighting their own (CCP vs. KMT) Why do you think it is in the first place those...
  6. M

    My reasons why SCS islands belong to China

    Yeah~ and that all leaves to legal perspective. From legal perspective, sovereignty is generated from actual exercise of sovereign acts, including the garrisonning of troops and perpetual occupation by citizens. Sovereignty could be lost if the states ceased to exercise its jurisdiction and act...
  7. M

    My reasons why SCS islands belong to China

    LOL~ typical chauvinistic self-centered Chinese~ Don't you know that before Chinese could even sail across ocean and still busy planting crops in Northern China, SouthEast Asian Austronesian (including Taiwan Aboriginal) had already sail and colonize islands as far as Madagascar and Easter...
  8. M

    South China Sea Forum

    As I said, China intentionally leaves that ambiguous~ But if logic, as you said, say China is not claiming the nine line dash as its EEZ, why does it have confrontation with Indonesia in Natuna Sea? China don't claim natuna Island, but why did China try to undermine Indonesian EEZ over Natuna...
  9. M

    South China Sea Forum

    "China is NOT claiming all the water within the nine dash line" ~That is the question the Philippines seek through arbitration~ If everything goes by UNCLOS and China is not claiming all the water within the nine dash line, the Philippines should have its EEZ 200 nm westward from its main...
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    South China Sea Forum

    Since when did the arbitration concern about land? It is about the sea. The so called Nine-land dash is impossible to drawn even if all rocks, islands, and reefs belongs to China. UNCLOS explicitly stated that only island that could support human habitation deserve EEZ. Philippines main island...
  11. M

    Singapore, Indonesia in row over marines dressed as bombers

    Don'f forget, the Tiny Singapore has actually convinced ICAO to let them control Indonesian Airspace around Riau Islands and Natuna to the displease of Indonesian~ Look at how ridiculous Singapore FIR actually protruding around Indonesian Islands. This makes Indonesian domestic flight...
  12. M

    Australia Navy entered Indonesia waters six times

    He's just playing with words~ finding any discrepancies and possible ambiguity to make silly justification It has been clear from UNHCR Executive Commission Conclusion, how and what each words in the convention and protocol be interpreted and understood, so that any ambiguities be resolved. A...
  13. M

    Australia Navy entered Indonesia waters six times

    You're blathering and playing with words~ Changing modes of transportation still count as transiting, and of course they will have intention to go to Indonesia for transiting purpose in order to go to Australia~ otherwise how can they reach Australia? I don't understand how that could void the...
  14. M

    Australia Navy entered Indonesia waters six times

    I can't understand your logic here~ When the asylum seeker present itself to the authority, he or she is declaring he seek asylums to the countries in which he present himself. It is crystal clear that those refugees do not present themselves to Indonesia, nor claiming they seek asylum to...
  15. M

    Australia Navy entered Indonesia waters six times

    I think the UN has already provided interpretation of the word "directly" in the convention to clear any ambiguation~ Transiting through Indonesia is still considered "coming directly" per UN interpretation, even more, there are no time limit for how long the period of transiting is still count...
  16. M

    Australia Navy entered Indonesia waters six times

    It's also a fact that Australia as signatories of UN Convention regarding the status of refugees are obliged not to penalised such illegal entry, nor commit any refoulement policy. Not only Australia breached the convention, Australia also breached Indonesian sovereignty~ Such a b*d*ss If I'm...
  17. M

    Australia Navy entered Indonesia waters six times

    Your countries are obligated to receive them because your country signed the convention~ its clear cut. UNHCR procedure is for someone who cannot reach safe refuge~ those who can reach by whatever means are the responsibility of host nation. Have you read the UN Convention? You keep repeated...
  18. M

    Australia Navy entered Indonesia waters six times

    What do you think is the cause of refugees? We are not talking about people escaping poverty~ they're not refugees We are talking people escaping war and persecution~ they're refugees And is it not surprising that most of it is the western countries policy that cause conflict. Iraq? Iran...
  19. M

    Australia Navy entered Indonesia waters six times

    Well, there are hundreds of them in UNHCR website, more if you look at US, Canada, and Australian histories~ The point is~ it is in the first place Australia and Norwegian signed the UN Convention Relating to the Status of Refugee that promise to accept them. That's the consequences that each...
  20. M

    Australia Navy entered Indonesia waters six times

    So is it wrong to go to Australia to seek refuge? I cannot fathom how seeking a better refuge like Australia is not allow? It is clear, their countries are in a state (civil) war, seeking refuge from war is already a compelling reason for them to be admitted a refugee status regardless of...
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