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  1. N

    Anjem Chaudhary coming to Delhi for Shariah Law.

    Zakir Naik teaches Islam but propagates half-truths and justifies some BS in Quran and Hadith using logical fallacies. In short he teaches BS. If you want to Learn about Islam do it yourself by reading quran and Hadith first and talk to any Ex-Muslim. If you don't understand the matter, talk...
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    Bangkok : Iranian man throws bomb at police; 5 hurt

    Look there's a fundamental difference between Abrahamic religions (messianic dogmas) and Eastern religions (Dharimic religions, Taoism) these are more like philosophies rather than religions. while Political -( insert any dharmic/eastern faith here) is like a paradox, term Political Islam is...
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    Anjem Chaudhary coming to Delhi for Shariah Law.

    First you guys whine that people should not talk about Islam because it's the only best religion and to support your claim say that more and more people are converting to Islam every year. Then we say that there are more people leaving Islam than converting. Now some random gentle man says...
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    Anjem Chaudhary coming to Delhi for Shariah Law.

    What can i say if you want to believe a lie and deny the truth. Islam is the fastest growing religion because A. Birth rates of Muslim community are higher. Population growth. B. Criminals, Drug and sex-addicts are converting in groups in Prisons in US UK and other European nations(as a...
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    I was brainwashed like a 'robot': Kasab in SC appeal for life term

    i think the President should pardon him. It's not his fault that he was born in such a place. Imagine , you were he. Do you think you would have had the perspective of what is right and what's not. Not only Kasab, there are many more poor young kids who are being brainwashed like him (you...
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    I was brainwashed like a 'robot': Kasab in SC appeal for life term

    stupid comment . what are you ? 10?
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    Anjem Chaudhary coming to Delhi for Shariah Law.

    That's precisely why more and more people are leaving Islam today. The best way to understand Islam is to read Quran and hadith. I bet anyone who reads them will be disgusted and leave Islam if they are a Muslim. Although reading Quran and Hadith will improve your knowledge of Social and...
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    Anjem Chaudhary coming to Delhi for Shariah Law.

    Now you are talking about Dhimmi rights. Have you ever thought why other religions don't have this dhimmi concept ?
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    Anjem Chaudhary coming to Delhi for Shariah Law.

    A. You don't. B. You are testing my patience now. Police stood by us on Rushdie: JLF Organiser - YouTube
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    Anjem Chaudhary coming to Delhi for Shariah Law.

    i don't have issues with hate speech. if you are smart enough to figure out that it is hate speech, then others too will. In fact we need more people like these talking about things like religion. Esp Islam. because while the people of other religions have all moved on in time, Islam is...
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    Anjem Chaudhary coming to Delhi for Shariah Law.

    same old argument. People are sick of Muslims using this 'out of contest' or translation error thing. (and alleging the people who write objectively about Islam are somehow racists)
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    Anjem Chaudhary coming to Delhi for Shariah Law.

    with slight variations most Islamic countries have them. Some Muslim supremacists argue that Shariah is not being implemented in it's purest form or correct form. They try to brush shariah law with 21st tint by interpreting it in a different way and say shariah law is better than latest today's...
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    Pakistan and India HATE Valentine's Day

    Poor lady she's going to get fired soon.
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    Anjem Chaudhary coming to Delhi for Shariah Law.

    You are pathetic. Salman is a POI(Person of Indian origin). He doesn't even need permission to visit India or permanently settle in India of he so wishes. But our Islamofacists issue death threats to him. hence he chooses not to do that. It has nothing to do with Politics or Indian Governement...
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    Anjem Chaudhary coming to Delhi for Shariah Law.

    Well, I am planning a mockery rally. Non Muslims for Shariah rally right in front of Parliament. I invite Hindus, Buddhists, jains, Sikhs, Christians, Parsis to the rally to express their solidarity for Anjem Chaudary (aka Andy) ---------- Post added at 01:41 PM ---------- Previous post was...
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    Anjem Chaudhary coming to Delhi for Shariah Law.

    THACKREY IS A LOCAL PLAYER . HIS CONCERN IS ONLY MUMBAI AND MARATHIS. DON'T USE 'INDIA' word so much like our media uses. it's lame.
  17. N

    Anjem Chaudhary coming to Delhi for Shariah Law.

    Why you do not support BJP and RSS? Ok shiv sena is a ethno linguist type party. I am a(rather was) muslim, even i don't think BJP and RSS are Anti Muslim or Anti minority.
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    Anjem Chaudhary coming to Delhi for Shariah Law.

    Go cry about Islamists with Muslims. Ask the moderate ones to control the exremists amongst them. Don't bring in the country's name/ Government/Politics in to everything.
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    Anjem Chaudhary coming to Delhi for Shariah Law.

    Good. But Salman castigated Islam? stop the nonsense.
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    Anjem Chaudhary coming to Delhi for Shariah Law.

    'cause we Love Andy!!:chilli: ---------- Post added at 12:01 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:59 AM ---------- stop using the stupid word secularism so much. It simply means Govt. works on the basis of non religious reasoning.
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