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  1. kumar_V1.0

    Myth shatterd "india won 65 war?"

    @growler Ok you were superior in air. But still how you won the 65 war? who had occupied more land ? Who had denied other party the success in kashmir misadventure?
  2. kumar_V1.0

    Myth shatterd "india won 65 war?"

    India would accept it because she was not the aggressor and her purpose of war was achieved. India was never interested in grabbing land it was just un necessarily pushed into the war due to your covert operation in J&K.
  3. kumar_V1.0

    Myth shatterd "india won 65 war?"

    Highlighting some interesting facts..
  4. kumar_V1.0

    India imposed war on Pak by constructing illegal dams: Saeed

    Well done sir, U mixed all the organizations in India and also added state in the end. Dont u guys have some credibility when u speak. Shive sena ur any such organizations doesnt have anything to do with Pakistan except for the fact that they are against any relationship because they think...
  5. kumar_V1.0

    India imposed war on Pak by constructing illegal dams: Saeed

    Quiz time 1. How many shiv Sena rallies have people carrying AK 47? 2. How many training facilities are there for shiv Sena millitants? 3. Does Shiv Sena comes under election commission directives as a political party? 4. Has Shiv Sena been banned by UN? 5. Has the leader of Shiv sena...
  6. kumar_V1.0

    India imposed war on Pak by constructing illegal dams: Saeed

    Is he an extra constitutional authority to decide on these dams legality. Why dont he or any one files one public interest litigation in pakistan supreme court to ask for these dams legality and let them decide. and if Pakistan Govt think they are illegal then go to international arbitrage...
  7. kumar_V1.0

    Myth shatterd "india won 65 war?"

    You love to have a last word but the problem is you dont have anything to add to the debate.I talked about the pics when u pointed to credibility. If you think u are credible why u have to match nonsense. If you are so credible what about taking part in the 65 debate with some pointers. You know...
  8. kumar_V1.0

    Myth shatterd "india won 65 war?"

    You talk credibility is biggest bullshit. When we talk about war you post picture of broken Tanks. tell me a war which has not seen a broken tanks and devastated villages. ever heard about bigger picture. Let me tell you one thing again just read this thread and tell me what did u add by...
  9. kumar_V1.0

    Myth shatterd "india won 65 war?"

    Why dont u just respond to the comments than shooting tangents all the time. @reply : still those kafirs are good enough to whip ur assess all the time even if they have 1 : 10 disadvantages.
  10. kumar_V1.0

    Myth shatterd "india won 65 war?"

    If you compare mosquito bite to whipping then yes , but but only glory u claim was in 1965 which never was (no need to go anywhere just read the whole thread). and as per as fake encounters are concerned , go say that to those mothers in P.O.K and Punjab who lost there kids who were promised...
  11. kumar_V1.0

    Myth shatterd "india won 65 war?"

    1. so it was india's fault that your assumption that india will not retaliate went down the drain. 2. This is a dispute because india claims J&K and holds a large part , the India leaves her claims there is no dispute. and If India claims J&K India will retaliate. You mean to say Pakistan...
  12. kumar_V1.0

    Myth shatterd "india won 65 war?"

    Thanks Toxic for the post. This thread should definitely shatter some myths but of Pakistani Janta.
  13. kumar_V1.0

    Russia supports India’s claim for permanent UNSC seat

    Did anyone miss this? 50 Cent Party - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Let him earn his livelihood,I understand why mods withstand him before banning him, so generous of them.
  14. kumar_V1.0

    Pakistan wipes out half of Quetta Shura

    If what you are saying comes true it will go long way in stabilizing the region and State of Pakistan. Pakistan will definitely earn a lot of diplomatic points and if Pakistan is able to keep a tab on groups which are active in disturbing India it will be a great start for Ind-Pakistan...
  15. kumar_V1.0

    Pakistan wipes out half of Quetta Shura

    Now that's what I expect from a senior a prudent perspective. Now when this has been agreed they are not so good why not kiss there ***** from all angles and get rid of them completely, All those Haqqani etc:sniper:
  16. kumar_V1.0

    Pakistan wipes out half of Quetta Shura

    I know Asim You are who maintains that both are harmful to pakistan but if u go through the hundreds of pages on PDF lot of members maintain that there is good and bad taliban and some and real and fake stuff as well. And about QS i dont have any way to prove anything this way or that but...
  17. kumar_V1.0

    Pakistan wipes out half of Quetta Shura

    Boss you kept repeating there is no Quetta shura and no link between TTP and them and suddenly u realized both are true but u expect no one even raises eyebrow. Come on senior we are living in real world.
  18. kumar_V1.0

    Nitol looking to assemble Tata Nano locally

    Actually that's what I said. You need to have domestic industry but a fact is that you need to learn that business through a process and that process is joint venture which Tata seem to be offering. You cant create whole industry in vacuum , its going to be a slow painful process and once the...
  19. kumar_V1.0

    Nitol looking to assemble Tata Nano locally

    You want to build Rome in a day. Criticism for sake of it. Suzuki cars were assembled in india By maruti-Suzuki still the research was with Suzuki. In the mean time ancilliary parts industry developed also giving other auto companies the confident.Now Maruti is doing designing and research in...
  20. kumar_V1.0

    Pak will have to fight war if India doesn't talk, says Hafiz Saeed

    Other day one south India member wrote Pakisthani instead of Pakistani and some members were offended , but this is how our south Indians pronounce. Moral of the story is if we are not sure about something or smone raises offense why not just refrain from using that specially seniors member...
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