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  1. E

    Americans turn savages one day after celebrating what they are "thankful" for

    i'll be sure to check those episodes out :)
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    Americans turn savages one day after celebrating what they are "thankful" for

    Just the day before, Americans around the United States rejoiced for what they are thankful for, their loved ones, and to each other on their national holiday "Thanksgiving"; a day forever remembered by the Native Americans as the day of slaughter, pillage, and genocide by the European invaders...
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    The New Evil Empire - United States of America

    As of 2005, the United States of America occupies the world with 737 military bases across the planet. A dream that the evil empires of the German Nazis and the Russian Soviets dreamed of, now a dream come true for the new evil empire, United States of America!
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    The New Evil Empire - United States of America

    The New Evil Empire America has become what Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union used to be By John Kaminski Remember the Red Menace, also known as the Communist threat? Or how about the Third Reich, the creator of which became the chief metaphor for evil in the 20th century? Most Americans...
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    Overpopulation is killing INDIA

    We believe in survival of the fitness. Those who are weak will have no choice but to perish. We will stop at nothing to become as powerful as Great Britain or America!!
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    enjoing pics of the German leopard IIA6

    Which is why I say appearance is not everything. The advanced Leopard tank is still a theory until it has become war proven. So far the T-55 is leagues ahead of the Leopard in this field.
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    enjoing pics of the German leopard IIA6

    Nice try trolling. :lol:
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    enjoing pics of the German leopard IIA6

    It looks cool, but how does it preform on the battlefield? Check this out, It's the T-55, the battle proven Main Battle Tank of India. It takes more than just looking smooth to win a battle, you also need to have spirit, without spirit you are nothing. That is why when an Indian soldier...
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    India completes more air refueling trials

    Let's test them on our neighbors. ;)
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    Lockheed Martin 6th generation Fighter

    I hope one day our T-50 5th generation fighter will get to fly along side this beast.. :smitten:
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    Indian Elephant Kills a BD Girl

    I don't see a problem.. was the girl and boy really so blind that they could not see an elephant coming? It was either their fault or the elephant's fault so people need to stop blaming India and Indians in general for these incidents. The Indian girl will now reincarnate to something else...
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    indian Manned Spaceflight Delayed

    We are not ready for this.. not now. We simply lack the experience! Why do we always feel the need to impress Great Britain and America? I just want India to go at our own pace. 2020 sounds more likely, but I would give it anywhere from 2025-2040. Right now we just need to keep sending our most...
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    Urban India is polluting rivers and drowning in its own excreta

    This is why I say foreigners will never understand!!! They always just criticize us on the way we live, how we look, but don't really have a single clue about India! We have no problem living like this, so who are these foreigners telling us we are wrong? This is India! This is our way of life...
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