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  1. M

    A Comment From India Times – Why Indian Hindus Hate Muslims

    Killing bro? If they really wanted to kill ,the indians would have unleashed the army .Not sent it to control the riots. This is the effect of wahabbis and deobandis growing in power and on the other hand ,Bajrang Dal and their minions gaining strength.And the funny thing... both sides(sunni and...
  2. M

    A Comment From India Times – Why Indian Hindus Hate Muslims

    Nassr,many of the hindu castes are pretty adjusting,some like jats have a short temper . I am a shia sufi . But there are problems in UP are due to the Deobandi and Wahabbi schools which are flourishing due to Saudi Money being poured into them. We shias are suffering too as Deobandi terrorists...
  3. M

    In this village, Hindus guard Muslims’ homes in Muzaffarnagar

    This is what a sufi master had warned me about .These were the distortions in quran caused by islamic civil wars. And these are quotes that are twisted by the russian orthodox church to destroy islam in Russia ,they are succeeding on it. For understanding the truth of Allah,a sufi master is...
  4. M

    Is Hinduism monotheistic?

    For us both baba nanak and Pir Guru Gobind Singh ji are important.Guru Gobind Singh ji and Pir Buddhu Shah gave their lives to save hindus and shias both who were being exterminated by Aurangzeb.The first persons to come to to aid Guru Gobind Singh ji was Pir Buddhu Shah ji and when Pir Buddhu...
  5. M

    Birmingham college bans Muslim students from wearing veils for 'security

    This is how pakistani punjabis are !!!!even the afghans and balochi hate them...
  6. M

    Is Hinduism monotheistic?

    No one asked you. Guru Nanak was considered a sufi. Maybe you should check out nanakshahi sect of muslim sikhs whose start was under Bhai Mardana ji who was a muslim companion of Baba Nanak in his udasis. Why do Shias revere Baba Nanak so much? Please don't make it a hindu -muslim issue again...
  7. M

    Is Hinduism monotheistic?

    Precisely, I see Baba Nanak's message in universal sufism and Dzogchen Buddhism . Strange thing,tibetans revere Baba Nanak as a reincarnation of Guru Padmasambhava who started Dzogchen and tibetan buddhism.
  8. M

    Is Hinduism monotheistic?

    Kindly refrain from such insults ,as the pir Buddhu shah ji sacrificed his sons for saving Guru Gobind singh ji. How about you get Sikh history straight yourself. The house of Baba Nanak was for both hindus and muslims.They wanted us to stop fighting each other. And also please stop reading...
  9. M

    Is Hinduism monotheistic?

    Still Guru nanak is considered a muslim and muslim saint/pir.And many of the verses in guru granth sahib are from sufi saints. There are similiarities no doubt.There are similiarities in Sikhs and sufi islam also. And please don't talk about sunnis.They are the ones who have given us a bad...
  10. M

    Is Hinduism monotheistic?

    Sikhs have huge sufi influence.The shia pir Buddhu Shah ji fought alongside Guru Gobind singh ji ,20% of sikh army was shia.
  11. M

    Remembering 1960s Afghanistan, the photographs of Bill Podlich

    I hope not that the taliban come to power.I know their atrocities on hazara shias and would not wish such a vicious force on my shia brothers in Afghanistan. I agree ,but the way you dealt with the villagers in Afghanistan was simply genocide.There was a reason why urban afghans loved your...
  12. M

    Is Hinduism monotheistic?

    I will say this as a shia. Banish your varna system nonsense. It is the reason why your nation was so easy to subjugate and rule.And how is hinduism montheistic? Sikhs who are half-hindu,half-islam,Arya samajis,Brahmo samajis are monotheist. Hinduism is a syncretism of several traditions.
  13. M

    Birmingham college bans Muslim students from wearing veils for 'security

    To you and me ,its shame ,but most westerners are heavily promiscuous .They are not ashamed of anything these days. Thats the sad state of moral affairs there.
  14. M

    Birmingham college bans Muslim students from wearing veils for 'security

    And haven't pakistani punjabis been raped by mongols,iranians,mughals,Afghans, sikhs,british? Stop living in the past. Past is past .Look at the present and learn to make it better.
  15. M

    Birmingham college bans Muslim students from wearing veils for 'security

    And they got their independence in 1776.Sheesh , why do you punjabis keep harping about the past?
  16. M

    Birmingham college bans Muslim students from wearing veils for 'security

    Do not for the extremism of few, call for genocide of all.Not all muslims are extremists or suicide bombers like how your media portrays us. You should maybe meet the universal sufis and you will be amazed by the goodness and tolerance.Even the Dalai Lama likes them. Like I said,I do not live...
  17. M

    Birmingham college bans Muslim students from wearing veils for 'security

    I am shia sufi indian ,yes. And I have lived in Iran,okay.I do not live on sunni money. Take that and stick it in your head.
  18. M

    Birmingham college bans Muslim students from wearing veils for 'security

    Seems some chaps have no manners. Yes, because I am fed up of sunni extremism all across the world. The world hates us because of this extremism which is used as propaganda against us. I am finished with you hard headed punjabis. Almost all punjabis are a bunch of motti buddhis.
  19. M

    Birmingham college bans Muslim students from wearing veils for 'security

    I am not from EU .But what I am telling is that the host population is not as tolerant as India or Malaysia is. Big sellers to EU from Eurasia are Russia,Norway and Britain. The rest it imports from Africa and the middle East. I have been clear about this in my previous post.
  20. M

    Birmingham college bans Muslim students from wearing veils for 'security

    You are a fool.Are you seeing how christians are insulting that poor chap.Is that how you are treated everyday. God,some of you really need to get things straight. Toss out your narrow mindedness and hate for others .
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