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  1. M

    What Are You Listening To Right Now?

    im sorry if i ever broke you girl i love you so much
  2. M

    APML: Atiqa odho intimidated air port staff upon alcohol possession.

    satan said i am better than adam satan was the most knowledge angel along with the angel of death and still is but god knew that love was greater than knowledge and this is why pakistan(love) will always be greater than india(knowledge) hence the pakistanis will always be attacked by satan as he...
  3. M

    What Are You Listening To Right Now?

    its the last night of your life will happen one day
  4. M

    What Are You Listening To Right Now?

    god when am i getting my cutie we had a deal right
  5. M

    Musharraf VS Imran Khan: Who is best at handling foreign policy ?

    imran is the better option you see a man sitting having tea with common people sleeping on the floor i mean its impressive
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    Mumbai-like attack to be retaliated: India

    indians never retaliated to mumbai i wish they would have alteast we would have united for once
  7. M

    APML: Atiqa odho intimidated air port staff upon alcohol possession.

    satan prayed for 600 years got thrown out of heaven a prostitute gave water to a dog made her way to heaven give everyone a chance our sins are not greater than the mercy o god
  8. M

    "Death of Laden" Discovery channel 9 pm programme Indian enemy

    saw the programme its more like you repeat a lie so long ppl think its the truth
  9. M

    Coke Studio Season 4

    one was amazing,so was number two will listen to this
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