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  1. yue10

    Southern Han Chinese and their relationship with the Baiyue

    my Chinese amigo, at least give me rep if you are going to edit post and made yourself look smart, don't worry I am not intellectualist snobs like most member, just a superior human being with superior peasant mentality that will rule over brainless Annams
  2. yue10

    Southern Han Chinese and their relationship with the Baiyue

    do you have proof Vietnamese are part of Baiyue? LOL @ the VN foreign minister this why I asked about Viet Thuong ages ago but no one know about it
  3. yue10

    Southern Han Chinese and their relationship with the Baiyue

    LOL @ the Annam dude don't even live in VN but speak as if he is foreign minster of said country LOL @ Chinese came from SEA, if you say a bunch of uncivilised hunter gatherer peoples migrated to the North then OK and that's if you believe OOA and their genetic speaks LOL @ O2b showing up in...
  4. yue10

    Chinese general arrested for gilded lifestyle

    these Annams is just huge joke, their animal race is not the original Red River Delta people, they are further South if you don't believe me then just look these thread, some of you already knew who this nerd brain girl is and look how I owned her ( I think they are also the member Rye), I only...
  5. yue10

    Do you have any questions about China?

    what are you talking about? you race was rioting because got jealous the black dudes was boom boom with Chinese ladies your future? he actually look like reconstructed ancient peoples of Southern China
  6. yue10

    Slaughtering the Khmer Rouge 1978: True or False ?

    no one believes your lies evil and murderous Yuons, smh these immoral Annams always peddling their lies not sure if already posted but here look your crimes Yellow rain - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia look these Annam race, no matter what they said can't help but wanted to enslave them...
  7. yue10

    Do you have any questions about China?

    why are Chinese so racist and ethnocentric believe in supremacy of state but claim they are not fascist? is it like emperor has no clothes? why they tried to undermine Uighur people and destroyed them use minkaohan policy why you so racist? Nanjing anti-African protests - Wikipedia, the free...
  8. yue10

    History of Vietnam or What do you want to know about Vietnam?

    verily, verily, I say unto you thank you for your kind words and peace be upon you : ) the greedy Annams is true untermenschen race welcomed barbaric sexual predators onto their soils! -_-
  9. yue10

    History of Vietnam or What do you want to know about Vietnam?

    foreigner animals and sexual predators please listen to me, Annam is a huge dump! please take your monies and go elsewhere, that's what Thailand and Phillipines exist for, don't listen to the Annams on PDF, they are no good capitalist pigs love money :) here is what expert said but it doesn't...
  10. yue10

    The christianization of India Sino-Tibetan people

    oh please, the reported numbers is down due to guns pointed at heads, I know those numbers are under reported by at least 10 fold, evil Indians stop abusing my people!!! >:{ I am sorry did not Bose go begging to the Japanese when he got rejected by superior Nazis, your race is totally evil!
  11. yue10

    The christianization of India Sino-Tibetan people

    yes! very true, the Indian race need to stop raping my Mongoloid sister in NE The Alarming Violence against Northeasterners and Women in India | IPS – Communicating MDG3 – Giving voice to gender equality In India’s remote northeast, civilians challenge rape, killing by security forces. - The...
  12. yue10

    History of Vietnam or What do you want to know about Vietnam?

    I will destroy the tourism industry in VN, wherever their is tourist hotspot there is sexual predators, I cannot allow that country to be defiled like the rest of Asia thank you and namaste, please stop killing my people with your greed for money >:{ [video][/video] [video][/video] In recent...
  13. yue10

    Mao Zedong's 120th birthday anniversary

    here Mao policy Chairman Mao Tse-tung’s Statement Opposing Aggression Against Southern Viet Nam and Slaughter of Its People by the U.S.-Ngo Dinh Diem Clique hey, we are 3 amigos, oh wait... :oops: comrade comrade :cray: Mr HCM said no but I am love white man Soviet :ashamed:
  14. yue10

    Mao Zedong's 120th birthday anniversary

    I couldn't find exact source again but it said your Mao was Stalin sycophant and so became as chosen one, he only dared to breakaway from Soviet power when Stalin died
  15. yue10

    Vietnamese immigrants face deportation from Germany

    sorry there my Annam friend, I did not mean to infer that you didn't know but my wording was not good I meant to said it was unfortunate they got taken over as in poor them no it's not nice, why should your race got preferential treatment over native German, when the East fell it was the...
  16. yue10

    Vietnamese immigrants face deportation from Germany

    many of your kind was deported from the East after re unification, I don't why they didn't just make you all leave anyways I read there is still discrimination against the Ossie people, they are like second class citizen, don't lie
  17. yue10

    Mao Zedong's 120th birthday anniversary

    if people did bad things you say they did bad things, even Mao was accepted his mistakes after GLF, it doesn't mean take away good things, just like Mr HCM sold country to white man French doesn't mean he could not be superior human being, just acknowledge both ok Mao was responsible for...
  18. yue10

    Vietnamese immigrants face deportation from Germany

    the poor East Germans was annexed by the West in modern day Anschluss, I read many was wish for return to pre re unification, ostglie or something like that lol, reported for what? did I say anything that's lies, you a non German live there should know it's true yeah, left after leading FDP to...
  19. yue10

    Japan’s Abe Visits Controversial Shrine

    you got any proofs there my friend? the China race need to stop dragging the superior Nazi name through muds To normalize ties, Mao turned to war criminal | The Japan Times lol :feminist::china:
  20. yue10

    Mao Zedong's 120th birthday anniversary

    as usual the Annam race was beggar, Deng got purged and when Le Duan was meeting with China the extremist Gang of Four was give him ultimatum, denounce Soviet and join us, the Annams refused and became as lapdog for white man, even up to mid 1978 the China was still aiding this ungrateful race...
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