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  1. H

    Russia and China veto UN Resolution against Syria

    Maybe, Iran and Syria may consider being unified as one country. Anyway, they were in the same empire as Assyria.
  2. H

    Russia and China veto UN Resolution against Syria

    I myself don't like CCP, especially those corrupted officials, but this issue has nothing to do with the debat here. All i want to see is a more balanced world, a more diverse world. I love to travel, i don't like to see people with same ideas speaking same langugaes wherever i go.
  3. H

    Russia and China veto UN Resolution against Syria

    Sometimes i just think these arrogant westerners have a special gene in their blood, that gene is to impose on others what they like. 1. In ancient times, their ancesters, aryans, massared the native habitants in today's india, then forced local people to learn their language. That's why...
  4. H

    Russia and China veto UN Resolution against Syria

    some people wonder about the reason why china vetoed. I'm not good at international geopolitics, but i still want share my thinkings: 1. China need Russia's support in the future. 2. China want usa get stuck in middile east in order to relieve pressure in south china sea. 3. China need the...
  5. H

    China wins titles - Most beautiful cities in the World!

    The magic of so many grass and gardens is that the maintenance need big money every year, thus locals officials can gain money from it. If they plant trees, they can't, coz trees don't need that much money.
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