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  1. H

    1904 China map admits Paracel, Spratly not Chinese territory

    Pls have neutral tone here, to all people. I believe that Macao, HK, originally from China but they know what is right or wrong better than people in PRC, who got info mostly from Chinese gov, and the way they think is not critical thinking That's only your rude opinion, who rob here, the guy...
  2. H

    1904 China map admits Paracel, Spratly not Chinese territory

    I understand what the guy Dao Bach Long Vy mean, it is an analogy, to show the illustration. If China invaded Vietnam, and claim Vietnam as territory of China. So statement will come to any invader can claim its invaded countries as territory. According to this statement, Mongolia, at the...
  3. H

    1904 China map admits Paracel, Spratly not Chinese territory

    "And how your ancient gov managed these islands that are so far away from your mainland?" The fact is that Vietnamse Emperor did rule that island with troop. There are evidence, boat, documents... All evidence are ready to bring to the court and welcome to be verified by high reputation lap...
  4. H

    1904 China map admits Paracel, Spratly not Chinese territory

    For the case of Libya, The dictator kill its people so the people call for help from the UN. The US help Libya people to kick out the dictator, we, the US, did not get any piece of land For Iraq, the reason originally from terrorism, not invade. For Vietnam war, it is the South fight the...
  5. H

    1904 China map admits Paracel, Spratly not Chinese territory

    This is what an ashame. Paracels is not refer to China, it is refer to Vietnam. The King of Vietnam bring troop to the Islands hundred of years ago. There is ancient maps from European navigators state that Paracels belong to Vietnam, I will post the evidence here. Can you give evidence that...
  6. H

    1904 China map admits Paracel, Spratly not Chinese territory

    "named Paracels before Paracels was used to refer to China's Xisha Islands later in the history" This is what an ashame. Paracels is not refer to China, it is refer to Vietnam. The King of Vietnam bring troop to the Islands hundred of years ago. There is ancient maps from European navigators...
  7. H

    1904 China map admits Paracel, Spratly not Chinese territory

    The old British maps will be nonsense cos they covered other countries' land by invasion and therefor it is not accepted. Here is the map of China and the King of China made it. It state the Chinese territory in 1904 so it is convincing in the court
  8. H

    1904 China map admits Paracel, Spratly not Chinese territory

    You can ask Mr Obama and Mr Bush, I prefer not US troop not to go there. Just killing Bil Laden is good enough. By the way, I am not US citizen, just come here to work and have permanent resident. I believe that you live in NY so you are like Chinese international student. Look around and...
  9. H

    1904 China map admits Paracel, Spratly not Chinese territory

    Your statement is not convincing. Do you fully understand what is the meaning national maps? It is the map to show all of it teritories, including land and islands. We show you the partial of the map, cos the maps is very big, it is including all of China teritories in 1904, was made under the...
  10. H

    1904 China map admits Paracel, Spratly not Chinese territory

    If you say history is history, why you agree/or many Chinese agree that Tibet belong to China? China invade tibet hundred years ago, then they regain freedom. What is the reason why Chinese people call tibet is China's teritory? They were independent country for hundred of years before Mao's...
  11. H

    1904 China map admits Paracel, Spratly not Chinese territory

    Viet Nam never be part of China. Only China invade Vietname and was defeated many times. If you said thay China invade Vietnam so Vietnam is part of China, people can say Japan occupied China early 1930's so China is part of Japan, right? And I would like to say, do you and other Chinese feel...
  12. H

    1904 China map admits Paracel, Spratly not Chinese territory

    HongWu: We are here to argue that Spratly and Paracels not belong to China For your new topic, I would like to emphasize something more. Your King and Government always say that China come to Vietnam to help, educated people for thousands years. But what they did? They bring troop to invade...
  13. H

    1904 China map admits Paracel, Spratly not Chinese territory

    We are confident to share, and with high reputation verification institute. By the way, there are lot of maps from the Europe to show the evidence that Spratly and Paracels NOT belong to China. How do you react with the old maps from European?
  14. H

    1904 China map admits Paracel, Spratly not Chinese territory

    I agree with mr Korean, like new calculation of the length of China Great wall, in 2011 (recent year I dont remember exactly but i can google it), Chinese authority want to add the part (Korean Wall) in Korea to extend the length cos they argue that previously, Korea is used to be territory of...
  15. H

    1904 China map admits Paracel, Spratly not Chinese territory

    "US,ISREAL,THE MIDDLE EAST,INDIA...WHICH LAND OR OTHER DISPUTES WERE SETTLED BY SO CALLED INTERNATIONAL COURT?I DONT REMEMBER ANY. " There are lot of cases that get join international court. for example, recently Malaysia vs Indonesia, Cambodia vs Thailand.. US now has no dispute with other...
  16. H

    1904 China map admits Paracel, Spratly not Chinese territory

    "First of all, I have no idea what island you are talking about. If it's an island right beside to Vietnam coast line, or if it not an uninhabited island at all. It's yours. Chinese could by no means found it earlier than you Vietnamese. " Sorry, may be that guy living in Vietnam so his E is...
  17. H

    1904 China map admits Paracel, Spratly not Chinese territory

    I have read Mr beijingwalker post: "any publication house can print their maps,there are tons of old maps published by many publication houses all across China and the world,on the same map,maybe it shows that Vietnam is part of France" I disagree that any publication can publish the...
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