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  1. G

    China-Tibet Relations, Past & Present

    Gabbar Singh, you post earlier that I should keep cool. Maybe you need same advice now. :tongue:
  2. G

    China-Tibet Relations, Past & Present

    You worry about your own problem. If I get ban it is your problem?
  3. G

    China-Tibet Relations, Past & Present

    Are you moderator Gabbar Singh? :lol:
  4. G

    China-Tibet Relations, Past & Present

    You are American or Chinese? Your flag say American but you behave like brainwash Chinese. Maybe you are Chinese American.
  5. G

    China-Tibet Relations, Past & Present

    You are biggest ignorant. Supplies came when war was over. Both India and China agree not to fight. But Pakistan part of SEATO and CENTO. It is military ally of USA and anti-China. USA anti-China so would try to support anybody who fight China, but that does not mean that India was ally of USA...
  6. G

    China-Tibet Relations, Past & Present

    You have no clue of history. In 1960s Pakistan ally of USA. India anti-USA and pro-USSR. Maybe Pakistan help to deliver CIA fund to Dalai Lama. :cheesy:
  7. G

    Mumbai Attacks

    Ha ha. What I should call you? Gabbar Singh? That would be good!
  8. G

    Mumbai Attacks

    Matter is sub-judice. Restriction are put on comment during such sensitive time. Sometime media hype and media-trial influence the trial verdict negatively. That is why care is taken.
  9. G

    Mumbai Attacks

    Son, I am cool. I also work for media. I seen all the video and transcript many times. I said, let them speculate. Does not change fact. Did I say wrong?
  10. G

    China-Tibet Relations, Past & Present

    Very funny. People Daily doing good job to brainwash its citizen. But smart Chinese can see that it is nonsense. I have met some Chinese and educated Chinese do not believe the government propaganda. They use illegal method to access ban website and find out truth. Chinese are very smart people.
  11. G

    Mumbai Attacks

    Your government accepted the truth. Now you people speculating all you want. Does not change fact. The terrorist was told some hindi word by his handler. But his Pakistani accent can be easily recognized.
  12. G

    Pakistan: A Flawed Idea - M J Akbar

    You are confusing 'freedom of speech' with other thing. Musharraf has freedom of speech in India. He came to India, no? Nobody stop him from commenting on Indian muslim. But some Indian muslim feel that Pakistani try to divide India by saying that muslim only safe in Pakistan. So Musharraf...
  13. G

    Pakistan: A Flawed Idea - M J Akbar

    No. It is not arbitrary. Musharraf want to project Pakistan like saviour of Muslim. That is false. This is why he should refrain from commenting. Journalist can comment on any topic. He do not represent any country. He try to discredit MJ Akbar saying that he do not represent opinion of...
  14. G

    Myth of United India -- Democracy or Hypocrisy

    I know very well fact. India is united, is that not fact? Indian diversity is strength, not weakness. It is the cause of our unity. So what you are trying to say? Some people post useless article with no fact. Why you waste time argue with them if their ears are closed to facts but only...
  15. G

    Pakistan: A Flawed Idea - M J Akbar

    MJ Akbar is journalist. He criticize anything what is your problem? Musharraf is politician. So better he look at his own problems than criticize problem of muslim in India. Muslim in Pakistan face much more problem than muslim in India. Second, if Maulanas comment hypocritic then...
  16. G

    Myth of United India -- Democracy or Hypocrisy

    India is united. Your useless dreaming is the myth. Stop dreaming and start look at the reality.
  17. G

    Pakistan: A Flawed Idea - M J Akbar

    Funny people. You think because he criticize Pakistan he is not muslim. You cannot understand why muslim criticize Pakistan.
  18. G

    The World is flat - Nandan Nilekani

    India’s Potential, Seen From the Inside http://www.nytimes.com/2009/03/15/business/media/15shelf.html?ref=business By HARRY HURT III Published: March 14, 2009 THERE are scores of books by well-known businessmen who pontificate about social, political and economic issues affecting a broad...
  19. G

    Indira Gandhi’s grandson faces charges for ‘hate speech’

    Varun Gandhi does not know Hindutva. He is opportunist. Simply trying to use peoples ignorance to get vote. He should be arrested for violating constitution and model code of conduct. Also hate-speech. He does not hate muslim. He is pretending to hate muslim to polarize votebank.
  20. G

    Bangladesh:Gunfight at BDR headquarters

    Funny people. Inventing lot of conspiracy. No fact. I am journalist for many year. You people do not know reality.
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