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    Militarily China far ahead than India: Indian PM

    it is good that we atleast aknowledge the fact and are working toward's it , we have learnt from our mistakes and are a lot more aware today, i am sure we will be able to catch up with china .
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    When did South China Sea become China's "core interest"?

    yeah like you helped your dear ally pakistan in all INDO- PAK war's , by just giving statement's , i am sure both italy and india are atleast better than that.
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    When did South China Sea become China's "core interest"?

    i know your little chinese brain is a bit frustrated right now( now don't start talking about chinese I.Q levels in your reply post) , the country poorer than congo has nations like russia and america as it's allies , and maybe you don't know that we have recently made a policy called " the east...
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    When did South China Sea become China's "core interest"?

    it is quiet obvious that because the chinese have spent billion's on their military they will be trying to dominate the region and will have an eye on the resourse's of the region , first example is the oil feild's of balochistan and now they are claiming those island's in south china sea ...
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    Is the World War 3 Coming?

    during the second world war we din't have organization's like UNITED NATION'S which would stop countries from going on war , but today we have such organization's . Apart from this during the second world war only U.S had used a nuclear weapon , while this time many other nation's like china and...
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    `Pakistanis know MullahOmar is in Pakistan`

    this is what pakistan has alway's done , kept on denying fact's , it had denied that obl was in pakistan, few day's ago i heard on t.v pakistan interior minister REHMAN MALIK saying that dawood ibrahim is not living in pakistan, while everyone including interpol know's that he has been living in...
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    U.S. General: Pakistan won't look for Mullah Omar

    this will just encourage the americans to carry out ,more OBL kind of raid's , and drone attack's to break haqqani network :bad: , and this time they will easily be able to justify it aswell
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    China, not Pakistan, is India's main threat

    lol , nice conspiracy theory
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    End military action in Libya: Wen

    yeah fix the sh it with some stone's and and guns in their hand's , who do you think they are fighting, and why are you so anti-white eventhough you live in canada ????????????
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    End military action in Libya: Wen

    so you are saying that we must help gadafi to continue his 40 year old dictatorship in libya , i don't think the people of libya with agree with you on that , i am not a big supporter of nato , but what nato is currently doing in libya is correct , time for gadafi to go.
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    China, not Pakistan, is India's main threat

    exactly , we just went on war with the chinese once , that was 50 year' ago, and i personally feel it was our mistake we should not have interfered in the tibet issue , since 1962 india -china relations have been stable, china has never supported any terror activitie's in our nation , till date...
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    China, not Pakistan, is India's main threat

    the union could eventually become the strongest block of the world , even stronger than nato, it could also end the west interference in asia
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    China, not Pakistan, is India's main threat

    china is a threat but not bigger than pakistan , let's not foget that china is a more responsible nation than pakistan , as a big nation it has more international commitments and responsibility toward's peace and stability in the region , it will also not want to jeoparadize its economic growth...
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    Indian Congress party buy votes

    this a very old new's , we all know it
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