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  1. Torpedo

    87% Kashmiris wants independece

    Simply because Kashmir is not the part of Pakistan.
  2. Torpedo

    ‘In Time, Everyone Will Pick Up The Gun In India’

    They are saying so for years. But the bad news is there is no considerable progress on this front. The situation is not worsening, though.
  3. Torpedo

    Indian court: We dont want Taliban (sic) in country

    The word 'Taliban' was used as 'extreme and blind following of religion'. This is a good decision. And should be applied everywhere and to everyone. :enjoy:
  4. Torpedo

    Pakistani President Asif Ali Zardari has requested that the US provide remote-control

    I think it's a shield for Zardari. The policy is - keep asking for impossible things. If you fail, blame "lack of help". If you succeed, the victory is 200% yours. Zardari is just trying to invent reasons he can blame in future.
  5. Torpedo

    Lahore Police Academy crises over | One gunman, five collaborators arrested

    Please, please, please STOP THIS BS. Share some logic (if you have any).
  6. Torpedo

    Lahore Police Academy crises over | One gunman, five collaborators arrested

    In Nariman House, most (if not all) of the points above are applicable. Hence - no comparison please.
  7. Torpedo

    Lahore Police Academy crises over | One gunman, five collaborators arrested

    Before this, many things had "India", "RAW" written on them. Seems only you could read it. Oh God, for how many times again? Come with some proofs and India's credibility will be at your stake. Don't you get it? Golden chance to bash India..... and you are just making fun of yourself.
  8. Torpedo

    Lahore Police Academy crises over | One gunman, five collaborators arrested

    I see many senior and responsible members (including AA) comparing 26/11 and 30/3. They already have stamped PA with "better that IA" tag. I just want to add some points. 1. In Mumbai, the attack was multi-headed. 2. In Mumbai, the area were very much crowded. 3. In Mumbai, the...
  9. Torpedo

    Terror activities of Indian consulates in Afghanistan

    I am not supporting my act. But I do have an explaination. These posts are really low quality. They are in such a number that I can't fight with them all. But, these have to be checked. I was just trying to use shortcut. Sorry for that.
  10. Torpedo

    Terror activities of Indian consulates in Afghanistan

    Also, the aid from India is India's choice, not responsibility. There is no relation between amount of help and number of consulates. What matters is - Afghan govt permits them. In other words - India probably has other interests. But, this doesn't matter.
  11. Torpedo

    Terror activities of Indian consulates in Afghanistan

    Why are we being so naive here?? Yes, India and Pakistan are certainly helping Afghanistan. But can it be the sole purpose? NO. Afghan is just like a new born nation. Practically speaking, everybody will want a lasting impression on it. Everybody will be interested in human potential...
  12. Torpedo

    Lahore Police Academy crises over | One gunman, five collaborators arrested

    Yeah, this has happened in my region. :agree: An elderly couple found a bullet in their wooden bed. After investigation, it turned out to be fired by an enthusiastic 'Holi' celebrator in nearby area.
  13. Torpedo

    Lahore Police Academy crises over | One gunman, five collaborators arrested

    Always beating the wrong bush. Hating India is not the answer. Wake up. tell GoP to get some proofs. If not for world, then only for Pakistan.
  14. Torpedo

    Lahore Police Academy crises over | One gunman, five collaborators arrested

    Why fear declaring foreign hand if you suspect it? The key is, you should prove it to maintain the credibility of statements. Pakistan should accelerate the pending investigations and bring bring the results bfore the world.
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