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  1. Torpedo

    Three female education workers sprayed with bullets

    I see you too are good at analysis! :lol:
  2. Torpedo

    Jogger Shoe Swirled at Indian Minister P Chadambaram

    I wonder what makes you think that Pakistan can sink itself holding India. Wake up dude. Yes, there will be some dangers, certainly. But destruction of India? - In your dreams only.
  3. Torpedo

    The word 'Bharati'

    Well, I would like to see Pakistani members use "Bharatiya" to adress Indians. As the word "Bharati" is a name of a Hindu Goddess, it feels a bit awkward. This was never reported by anybody because we know this is the lack of knowledge and not intensionally done. We can live with...
  4. Torpedo

    The word 'Bharati'

    :rofl::rofl::rofl: Its the BIGGEST mistake so fa on this thread. Well, this Bharati (bhartee) and that Bharati (bhaartee) are two different words. though they LOOK same in English, they are different when written in Devnagari. The title of this site is "Nausena Bharati" means...
  5. Torpedo

    The word 'Bharati'

    Bharat means India. But Bharati doesn't mean Indian.
  6. Torpedo

    Three female education workers sprayed with bullets

    Unfortunately, they are killing the future of nation. :tsk: The effects of these attacks will be seen after 10-15 years.
  7. Torpedo

    How many Hindu Gods?- Dr. Naik

    There were changes. But, they were needed. Change and progress are welcome in Hinduism. This is the reason, Hinduism is still lively.
  8. Torpedo

    How many Hindu Gods?- Dr. Naik

    For examaple?
  9. Torpedo

    How many Hindu Gods?- Dr. Naik

    It's not God we change. But, by making these choices, we change ourselves. Like I said, in Hinduism, everybody has God within himself.
  10. Torpedo

    How many Hindu Gods?- Dr. Naik

    And surprisingly, it is most long lasted and peace loving religion on the face of the earth! Clearly, you are missing something.
  11. Torpedo

    How many Hindu Gods?- Dr. Naik

    :rofl: You look lost! Don't you? Being Hindu, you are supposed to ultimately 'find the God within yourself'. Your bold statements looks like this - "Every Pakistani has got a mouth. So, everybody can order PA to move." :lol: No, dude. The thing matters most here is 'authority'. If...
  12. Torpedo

    How many Hindu Gods?- Dr. Naik

    Yeah, unfortunately, there are fools and evels in EVERY religion.
  13. Torpedo

    How many Hindu Gods?- Dr. Naik

    you quoted wrong post, dude.
  14. Torpedo

    How many Hindu Gods?- Dr. Naik

    The answer lies in the Hindu method of worshiping the 'statues'. This system is so designed, that any person (at any mental level), should not face any difficulty in his/her way towards God. As it is a little difficult to imagine a shapeless, colorless, omni present God; it's represnted in...
  15. Torpedo

    How many Hindu Gods?- Dr. Naik

    There is no need to. By the way, they do have multiple names too! :azn: e.g. God Vishnu alone has more than 1000 names. Sun has 12 names etc. :enjoy:
  16. Torpedo

    How many Hindu Gods?- Dr. Naik

    Your homework is poor. What do you mean, when you say "Allah exists"? I am ready for a debate on Hinduism. Provided, you stay logical and civil.
  17. Torpedo

    How many Hindu Gods?- Dr. Naik

    self delete
  18. Torpedo

    Indian court: We dont want Taliban (sic) in country

    Then how come this student is the only one to complain about the things? Sikhs ALL OVER THE WORLD grow their beard.For them, its necessity. But, a Muslim CAN (and many times, DOES) shave the beard. Slightly off topic, but this debate reminds me the thread about "Indian first or Muslim...
  19. Torpedo

    Indian court: We dont want Taliban (sic) in country

    Well, this decision is taken when a Sikh boy is new-born. This decision is binding on them and it cannot be changed throughout the life.
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