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  1. Torpedo

    Where Pakistan will end up with Mr. Zardari?

    As I said, my statements are based on the posts I have seen on this forum. As I do not live in Pakistan, there is no chance for me to get first hand information. Many 'Senior Members', 'Elite Members', 'Think Tanks' and 'Moderators' think like me about the issue. I don't think you call them...
  2. Torpedo

    US detects double billing by Pakistan Navy

    US detects double billing by Pakistan Navy ISLAMABAD, Feb 25: A recent report by the US Government Accountability Office (GAO) accuses Pakistan Navy of submitting “duplicative charges” for transport facilities provided in aid of war against terror. The double billing was detected during an...
  3. Torpedo

    India: Brothers share wife to secure family land

    And what will you call 'having 4 wives'? Naturally, no wife gets due attention and her marriage life is just screwed up! Saying "having multiple wives is ok" just because it is tradition in Islam is wrong.
  4. Torpedo

    Where Pakistan will end up with Mr. Zardari?

    You seem to be one of the anti-Musharraf minority. Well, just have a look at threads on this forum and you'll see 80% Pakistani people think Musharraf era was better. Don't be daydreaming! All USA needs is a reason to show the world. Also, USA has additional angle of view of Pak-China...
  5. Torpedo

    Where Pakistan will end up with Mr. Zardari?

    Well, it seems GoP does not know about all this. :lol: If the terrorism in Swat is fueled by India (as you say), it is obvious that it will not stop by making any 'deal' with local militants. This means GoP has done nothing but provided a sanctuary for terrorists supported by India! And you...
  6. Torpedo

    Pakistan Scientist dazed the World

    That's a sign of a great student not scientist. There are many such 'record holders' scattered throughout the world. I don't want to take their credit away, but they do good only in 'record books'. A person working hard in a single particular field is more useful for his country than a...
  7. Torpedo

    India - An ‘artificial state’

    I don't know what is worth the trouble in the article. "Not having common king 200 years ago" does not make India "artificial". The greatest example of "Artificial State" is USA. The biggest melting pot. And which are the "Natural States" doing better then it? Verity is India's strength...
  8. Torpedo

    Where Pakistan will end up with Mr. Zardari?

    Hmmm..... Limited military interference seems to be a good solution. And I do think Kiyani is a man matured enough for the job.
  9. Torpedo

    N & S Waziristan Taliban Groups Join Forces

    I am little confused. Somebody please answer this. Taliban and USA are sworn enemies. Until now, Pakistan was with USA and hence was taking harm from Taliban. Now, it decides to be friendly with Taliban and being successful. But naturally, USA won't like it as it needs Pak for this war...
  10. Torpedo

    Where Pakistan will end up with Mr. Zardari?

    But media does not seem to have affected Mr. Zardari. He just continues to take decisions against public opinion. He is not messing with army just because HE CAN'T. He knows it very well.
  11. Torpedo

    Where Pakistan will end up with Mr. Zardari?

    Please do read my remarks again. What I mean is- a. Zardari first made some irresponsible statements about militants occupying more area in Pakistan. b. After this, he takes those 'peace actions' in Swat. Naturally, those will be seen in the light of his recent statements which produces a...
  12. Torpedo

    Where Pakistan will end up with Mr. Zardari?

    Sure it will. But, can Pakistan wait for that long?? I am not a supporter of Military Law. But these are the facts.
  13. Torpedo

    India: Brothers share wife to secure family land

    Why disgusting?? You are ok with having more than one wife, just because you are used to the concept. Think without getting biased and you will find this practice equally disgusting.
  14. Torpedo

    Where Pakistan will end up with Mr. Zardari?

    Ya, but Pakistan was certainly doing much better than now in Musharraf era. But Mr. Zardari........ give him a heaven and he can turn it into hell in no time!! Pakistan cannot afford such a leader on its topmost place. We have seen how Mr. Bush degraded USA in just 4 years. And Zardari...
  15. Torpedo

    Pakistan paid 6 million dollars to Taliban for ceasefire

    GoP is more than welcome if these actions WILL bring any peace. But I don't think any (so called) money given to those militants will be used for peace. Every penny they get from any source will again be used to intensify their attacks and grow their system.
  16. Torpedo

    Where Pakistan will end up with Mr. Zardari?

    Mr. Zardari has come into power in sept 2008. It means nearly six months ago. And he has brought many disasters to Pakistan. He has already screwed the economy, which was well-running before his time. US is dying to snatch nukes from Pakistan and Mr. Zardari is fueling this action with his...
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