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  1. Torpedo

    great rage and great fear in swat-villagers recount taliban abuse

    Its really good to see something is happening in favor of Pakistan. :agree: Very correct decision by GoP. The deal should never have came to existence. Better late then never. :enjoy:
  2. Torpedo

    Hindu sites 'only for Hinduism'

    Spot on! An Islamic nation acts against Quran!!
  3. Torpedo

    Hindu sites 'only for Hinduism'

    When Hindu Dharma came to existence, there was no other religion. So, there was no need for Vedas to differentiate its followers calling them with a special name. The word you mean is "Sanatan Dharma". "Sanatan" means "which existed before everything". There is a deep and well placed logic in...
  4. Torpedo

    Ex-US envoy to UN calls for extracting Pak nukes

    Hmmm.... We will see. As I said, I know how much are the chances of this ACTUALLY happening. By the way, we have seen GoP doing many things it was not supposed to do in any circumstances!
  5. Torpedo

    Ex-US envoy to UN calls for extracting Pak nukes

    OK, let's consider an imaginary situation. I know how much are the chances of this ACTUALLY happening. Suppose, US Congress and the rest of the world agrees that Pakistan is indeed heading towards failure and should not posses WMDs. Clearly, India would love such a situation and is rightfully...
  6. Torpedo

    Hilarious!!! pls don't fall off your seats after reading this!

    Well, I don't know about others, but can guess what Indians will do after getting on the moon. They will stick a "Made in India" tag to it! :rofl::rofl:
  7. Torpedo

    Pakistan deploys paramilitary to provide security to Sikh pilgrims

    Thank you very much terrorist.... oops, I mean Pakistani!
  8. Torpedo

    India behind Cup move from Pakistan, says Mani

    Oh ya..how logical! RAW did it putting nations image at stke just to cancel some bat-ball games in Pakistan! Give me a break. You are talking about Mumbai as if it has snatched what Karachi was getting! This is HUGE loss for PCB, but a minor thing for BCCI. I repeat - Pakistan never...
  9. Torpedo

    Mossad And India Spy Agency Team Up, Target Pakistan

    May be RAW has some role in the couple having kids? :rofl:
  10. Torpedo

    Ex-US envoy to UN calls for extracting Pak nukes

    No. If there is anything possible, its extraction. If US presses at the right spot, it CAN convince GoP. Once GoP agrees to that, there is nothing impossible. I know it looks foolish at a first glance, but give a deep thought and you will agree.
  11. Torpedo

    India behind Cup move from Pakistan, says Mani

    I don't want to 'believe' Zaid Hamid. He blames India even if there is no base, no proof and no logic. But if such a man is not blaming India acting 'on the table' for this, I guess its simply impossible.
  12. Torpedo

    Acts of Terrorism in Pakistan

    Suicide Bomber Kills 5 in Northwestern Pakistan By VOA News 05 May 2009 Pakistani police officers examine site of suicide bombing near Peshawar, 05 May 2009 Pakistani police say a suicide bomber rammed his car into a military vehicle in the northwestern part of the country, killing four...
  13. Torpedo

    " Obama is lying about Pakistan "

    And what you say about boosting the aid? I didn't know US is that rich, it helps and damages a nation at the same time just for fun? Proofs, my friend! And happily accepts when US says "Kiyani is better than Zardari!" A child can tell you about guts in GoP. What if US said it openly...
  14. Torpedo

    India behind Cup move from Pakistan, says Mani

    Cut that crap!! Pakistan had it coming. Even before 3/3. Zaid Hamid also accepts that. So, spare us the BS.
  15. Torpedo

    Truth always hurts

    ^^What a waste of bandwidth...
  16. Torpedo

    Ex-US envoy to UN calls for extracting Pak nukes

    Aren't we forgetting that the man who made those statements is a very responsible high official? Everyone is talking like Bolton is a next door kid. Yes, it is certainly not possible (or looks like it) to "find and destroy" nukes in Pakistan. But if even I know this, Bolton surely does. Even...
  17. Torpedo

    Petraeus says next two weeks critical to Pakistan govt

    You know what? Zardari (so the GoP, and ultimately Pakistan) has got what it deserved. Believe it or not, almost everyone had seen it coming. Sad, no one paid attention. I am surprised to see people always talk about "what is good and what is evil". But nobody bothers about "what's...
  18. Torpedo

    Why I wear a Burqa: Burqa gives protection and respect

    Rape on fun for Spaghetti lovers, isn't it? :rofl:
  19. Torpedo

    How can we keep Army out of Politics?

    You can't, to be frank. The situation will have to be changed drastically on three fronts at a time, which is very difficult. 1. ISI and army will have to withdraw their interests from the power center. As long as they 'want' to control things, nobody can do nothing. 2. A stable...
  20. Torpedo

    Petraeus, Boucher visit Pakistan

    You are over-estimating Pakistan's economy. Pakistan can certainly survive (and even do better, in broad sense) without US aid. But claiming that it won't affect you? You stretched it too far.
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