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  1. azim49

    Weakness of Israel and US Arm Force

    from the Last few weeks ........we observed each and every step of US and Israeli Arm Force very consciously and found some weak points of Both USA and Israel : USA : 1/USA will never be able to attack a country with their land force ......that will be a dream for them 2/USA foreign...
  2. azim49

    Israel Suffered a Double Defeat

    STF did u the 1 who stopped this conflict ?? what was ur role ? nothing .........u r nothing to muslim ummah ......so abstain from doing critcs them .
  3. azim49

    Israel Suffered a Double Defeat

    finally seen a Jewish mosquito /a pitcher full of human blood..........
  4. azim49

    Top 10 Armed Forces ( Based on WAR WINNING Possibility)

    China and Russia r nt Jumping for Iran War.....u missed the point ....friend.........i told they want to show their military superiority ,not through the Iran War .............. and i know ....u cant accept the ranking..........because ....ur beloved country is not at the top.......but...
  5. azim49

    Top 10 Armed Forces ( Based on WAR WINNING Possibility)

    listen , some aircraft difference /or military equipment difference doesnt make any difference . USA/CHINA/RUSSIA all of them are very close on militery strength ......this is rubbish telling US army is best cause they got 2 aircraft more!! remember the Cold War ? everybody thought Russians were...
  6. azim49

    Top 10 Armed Forces ( Based on WAR WINNING Possibility)

    No no no ..........I think , u r far away, understanding the political factors , USA never won the WARs ,actually they r providing arms and modern technologies subconsciously among the Arabs(Syrian Rebels/Egypts/Iraq) in the name of WAR !! they are too lame to understand Arab Politics . And...
  7. azim49

    Top 10 Armed Forces ( Based on WAR WINNING Possibility)

    No. actually........if I given priority my own choice ,then the list would be : 1/Bangladesh 2/Pakistan & India 3/Turky 4/Iran 5/Egypt 6/KSA 7/philistine 8/Iraq 9/UAE 10/Jordan
  8. azim49

    Top 10 Armed Forces ( Based on WAR WINNING Possibility)

    Ok.........im withdrawing my unwise comment abt Indian Army /Actually i didnt mean it :)
  9. azim49

    Brave Israeli Soldier Speaks Out On BBC Against the Crimes of His Governmen

    well said dude ..... look India is your country . suppose China pervades in your country and occupied 90% of your land !! and declared Delhi as their capital ....... in this circumstances what is your duty to your country /to your people ?? Israel did the same .......they pervaded to...
  10. azim49

    Top 10 Armed Forces ( Based on WAR WINNING Possibility)

    well , u have no respect on others thinking ! u should be
  11. azim49

    Top 10 Armed Forces ( Based on WAR WINNING Possibility)

    -Yes.........India is gaining economic power and technologies as well as manpower ,but their manpower(soldiers) are not so intelligent and bold enough to use them , EXAMPLE u can provide modern technologies /missiles/Raptor22 a group of goat to prevent a Human gang . but they will prefer...
  12. azim49

    Top 10 Armed Forces ( Based on WAR WINNING Possibility)

    Israel has a strong military and technology strength, but they have no intimate in arab ,and they r timid enough to proceed on a TRUE war :)
  13. azim49

    Brave Israeli Soldier Speaks Out On BBC Against the Crimes of His Governmen

    Israel must be Destroyed and our(muslims) First and foremost goal in this era is to get return Jerujalem
  14. azim49

    Pakistan determined to strengthen ties with Bangladesh: Zardari

    in 1971 , India Used Bangali people to win with Pakistan .......but the major uneducated part of Bangladesh failed to understand it and Believed Sheikh Mojibor ! Sheikh Mojibor Did Everything to become the King Of this Region , But my Bangali Brothers Failed to Understand IT.Still His Daughter...
  15. azim49

    Top 10 Armed Forces ( Based on WAR WINNING Possibility)

    I am not measuring it on the basis on only Military Strength but (military strength+Dare/Bold + Strategy+ Political Strength ) . I will give 40% credit to Strategy /30% to Political strength /20% to Military Strength /10% to Boldness. I am keeping Strategy at the Top as the most important...
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