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  1. MandarK

    For indian interest Awami League imposing 4 times more on RLY Proj

    BD are so obsessed with NE transit that they will even link import of cotton to NE corridor. :D
  2. MandarK

    Xinjiang Province: News & Discussions

    Last time they asked Pakistanis to take action against terrorists :azn:
  3. MandarK

    Pakistan Vs India 15th June Champions Trophy Match

    Scores level.
  4. MandarK


    Similarly If USA can be reverted back to a British territory, it will be a victory of US, not a faliure.
  5. MandarK

    What's your blood type?

    Rare personality...rare blood group. ;)
  6. MandarK

    What's your blood type?

    AB Negative.
  7. MandarK

    Pakistani national, Sanaullah attacked in high security central jail

    AAp kare to chamatkar.....hum kare to Atyachar.... We all know who laughs at whom.....
  8. MandarK

    Army contemplating military options

    Refer Post 23. Invincible Indian has given some information.
  9. MandarK

    Army contemplating military options

    Chalo puch liya...Why?? :lol:
  10. MandarK

    Court of Appeal of Versailles concludes Israeli occupation is not illegal

    Get a certificate from International court. Till then sleep peacefully. First have a media then we will talk :azn:
  11. MandarK

    Army contemplating military options

    ^^^You entered in 86 as well but left after seeing first wave of IA.
  12. MandarK

    Broadcaster forced PCBto reschedule national event to accomodiate IPL match

    IPL is broadcasted in Pakistan?? :what:
  13. MandarK

    GDP ranking of Indias states and Union Territories 2012

    Almost every state has a growth rate of 10+...then how come total growth rate is 5?
  14. MandarK

    Sri Lanka Air Force on High Alert Over Mass UFO (Aliens) Sightings

    Seems like UFO's are being spotted over many countries of Asia. An alien invasion of Asia!!
  15. MandarK

    India’s Sethu Project Disastrous: Sri Lanka

    The Project should be completed as a matter of priority.
  16. MandarK

    Disclosing Kargil casualties would affect morale of troops: CIC

    The logic is simple. Army gave the list on its own. However, if army had not released the list, same could not have been obtained under Right to Information Act. More pathetic part was Pakistnanies not accepting the bodies of their dead soldiers. very shameful to say the least
  17. MandarK

    India’s first Military University by next month

    Pakistan has a Military University since 1963. (Someone just pointed out.)
  18. MandarK

    Wealth Inequality in America

    Everyone is entitled to his own opinion, but not his own facts.
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