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  1. S

    US: If China goes to war we will make it go back 100 years

    I will make my technology here and I will take it back when I'm done. America has gone crazy, we will win finally.
  2. S

    US: If China goes to war we will make it go back 100 years

    Firstly I don't clear if you agree with our policies or not. If our policies are not good my father couldn't achieve seccuess purely with his scientific acheivemets and patents. And he wouldn't be able to support me studying here if our policies don't help him become rich. You're yelling at our...
  3. S

    US: If China goes to war we will make it go back 100 years

    I don't even know your American slang. Now we make everything for you, whose burden is heavier? We can make your consumption stuff and we can also make the war's consumption stuff. Spare NK's weaknesses and focus on your threat.
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    US: If China goes to war we will make it go back 100 years

    I'm saying us army blindfold I mean your army is fighting war today with everybody isn't it? you treat war almost as the only diplomatic approach isn't it? And that's blindfold because our Sunzi wrote "the best strategy is to defeat the enemies without military actions, the worst strategy is to...
  5. S

    US: If China goes to war we will make it go back 100 years

    Again I personally dislike North Korea a lot, but since a more dangerous US is in vicinity so North Korea should exist with all its fault. If we're talking about war then why do you pervert it to living standard. Look back all what we discussed, why should a totally western educated white guy...
  6. S

    US: If China goes to war we will make it go back 100 years

    They're about to collapse, devils in white hides.
  7. S

    US: If China goes to war we will make it go back 100 years

    That's better that they see it, so they make take measures to overcome it.
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    US: If China goes to war we will make it go back 100 years

    We always see the disadvantages and are willing to risks our lives to compensate for all these disadvantages. All boils down I would say only a war between us will prove it. If US is fighting NK we're fighting with whoever on board period. We walk to the death and lay our bodies to make a bridge...
  9. S

    US: If China goes to war we will make it go back 100 years

    There is no need to argue with him about the Jewish or WASP dictatorship because that's about to end.
  10. S

    US: If China goes to war we will make it go back 100 years

    The Korean war for this time would be different. Because I see an American army with blindfold of fear. Thank you for showing me this, I finally feel the relieve for the past several weeks.
  11. S

    US: If China goes to war we will make it go back 100 years

    You speak the words "practice" and "experience" like "freedom" and "democracy" non of which you have achieved. You're just like a bird bury your head into the sand, you're just afraid to see it, nothing else.
  12. S

    US: If China goes to war we will make it go back 100 years

    You once made a thorough and complete analysis on Iraq's defenselessness and I quite appreciate that but your remarks this time makes me doubt your fundamental knowledge. North Korea is a hard core dictator nation with full militarization, in other words they're good at nothing but wars. So I...
  13. S

    US: If China goes to war we will make it go back 100 years

    War to begin? Please let it burn on so we can join it and show what we have achieved for the last 40 years. I still clearly remember how many Chinese soldiers died for the last Korean war, it was 300,000, it's a figure much smaller than what if we don't resist at all. So 300,000 for a...
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    US: If China goes to war we will make it go back 100 years

    Not every real Chinese is a ba*tard like me. But talking about defending for China then every Chinese is a real badass villain.
  15. S

    US: If China goes to war we will make it go back 100 years

    Racism is one thing, but we're talking something more serious isn't it. The North Korea would start a world war and the US is trying to deploy the 3rd aircraft carrier in Asia. What would you feel if something points 3 knives at your neck. Is the US really out of its mind? Would you vote for a...
  16. S

    China Joins the Axis of Evil-Wall Street Journal,Dec 7th, 2010

    We survived for 5000 years so you can count on us. 1/1000 of 1.3billion is 1.3 million. 1/1000 of 350 million is 350 thousand. 1.3 million could make clusters of farms and several small cities. 350 thousand can make 1 or 2 yankee town.
  17. S

    US: If China goes to war we will make it go back 100 years

    Well you again, why aren't you with your friends and having Christmas. The KKK and Nazi and Japanese empire did many bad things on many other people or nations who don't deserve it. We Chinese are trying to protect ourselves so it's different.
  18. S

    US: If China goes to war we will make it go back 100 years

    I would die for China and our choice not because how much I love China or its people, it's because this is the only choice I have and it's the only thing I will do. If one day you die with your missile launcher and I die with my suicide bomb then we would agree on one thing--We do this for the...
  19. S

    US: If China goes to war we will make it go back 100 years

    You're not a Chinese and we would show no mercy on you. You will lose together with your evil empire. You and your evil empire together with its fake humorocacy will become a joke in history. I will piss on your grave.
  20. S

    US: If China goes to war we will make it go back 100 years

    Well guy, I now would take it personal too, LET'S MAKE THIS PERSONAL. I'm now in the US so why don't we exchange our address and phone numbers so it'll be either that I run over you with my car, or you shoot at me with your rifle. I would show no mercy so I wish that you do too. I wouldn't give...
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