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  1. K

    Saudi Prince joins opposition after his defection from royal family

    saddam hussien was a blind three legged kitten compared to assad
  2. K

    Saudi Prince joins opposition after his defection from royal family

    Says the person supporting assad and his evil and facist regime. sit back and go shoot your self in the foot
  3. K

    Saudi Prince joins opposition after his defection from royal family

    The name and the photo are confirmed to be fakes . also the SOURCE that broke the news was Irani .... GO figure
  4. K

    Hariri says Hezbollah resistance against Israel outdated

    First off lets no forget hariri is a saudi born national on top of his lebanese origins. Another important issue is the fact he made this statement and as head of the opposing party to hezbollah it can lead to nothing but an arms build up between them. lebanon could most probably be going...
  5. K

    Israel to arm FSA terrorists in Syria?

    are you accusing me of taking drugs ?? on that matter assassins (also known as hashashin) were shiite . the story keeps on evolving ? I do how ever have a question is Imam Ali a shiite ? please define to me this .( off the topic) so iran never bought weapons from israel or america during the...
  6. K

    Israel to arm FSA terrorists in Syria?

    simple that cause IRAN IS AN AMERICAN STATE !! no need for a base when the whole country serves its required purpose !!! man you really think your at the forefront of a war against america !!! are you daft !! from day 1 your ayyatollah have been doing what they do best , spew **** and lie to the...
  7. K

    Israel to arm FSA terrorists in Syria?

    I wonder where khomieni livee before he went back to iran OH WAIT a guest of the french government . I wonder whom he met with before going home OH WAIT THE CIA . we all know exactly what jordan is and what it isnt . and jordan is tiny and non existent compared to iran ( im not jordanian bub try...
  8. K

    Israel to arm FSA terrorists in Syria?

    I have 100,000+ reasons to be agitated . or what ever the current death toll is , playing coy and/or smart with me will get your no where , you guys talk big and blame other but ever since your western-backed ayyatollahs came to power and youve literally sent this entire region to hell .
  9. K

    Israel to arm FSA terrorists in Syria?

    you iranis of allll people should shut your mouth about keeping the fighting going and giving weapons and men to the confilict . if anything its your fault its escalated
  10. K

    Israel to arm FSA terrorists in Syria?

    SIMPLE MATH TIME !!!! NUMBER OF ARABS DEAD FROM ASSAD REGIME = 200,000+ ( counting 1982 and lebanon war as well as those assasinated over the years as well ) TIME LINE 1960-PRESENT DAY METHOD = ALL METHODS NUMBER OF ARABS DEAD FROM ISRAEL = 40,000 (Counting all the wars insurgencies...
  11. K

    KSA assistance to Arab nations exceeds SR200bn

    no it goes to energy and electricity . where does your irani aid go in funding pagan hussainiya's and fake kaaba's and multi billion mausoleums for dead ayyatollahs. shiite we are not brothers for shut the fukk up and go comment some where else no it goes to energy and electricity . where...
  12. K

    Large Amount of Saudi Chemicals Found with FSA Terrorists to be Used in Art

    That is the funniest and most retarded piece of news I have heard all week. the fact that this might be taken serious is a joke . PLUS we will support the revolution in syria IN ANY MEANS possible . but we do not condone the use of chemical nor biological weaponry . on a lighter note did you...
  13. K

    After the Sheikhs: The coming collapse of the Gulf Monarchies

    Ive read the book , he brings nothing new to light and is just cashing in on the current tide of books that are hitting stores.
  14. K

    Several dead after car bomb hits southern Beirut

    I can't say we didn't see that coming now did we
  15. K

    Saudi Arabia Cheers the Coup in Egypt

    More democratic ? how is it more democratic . Iran doesnt support democracy that is a lie and if you believe then your extremely conceited .Also Iran is the only country in the middle east to Buy weapons from Israel during the war with Iraq. if you are supporting elections in syria then why...
  16. K

    Saudi Arabia Cheers the Coup in Egypt

    While most of the world is ambivalent about the overthrow of a democratically elected President in Egypt by the army this week, the Saudi royal family is enthusiastically endorsing the generals’ move. The Kingdom hopes the coup marks the beginning of the end of the Arab Awakening and a...
  17. K

    Jordan may be next "Arab spring" country in the American list.

    true . so you study in urbana ? sorry it says Illinois.
  18. K

    Jordan may be next "Arab spring" country in the American list.

    Thanks but yet youve made 8k+ comments . Im sure its quite attractive for you to associate with them ... out of entertainment im guessing
  19. K

    Jordan may be next "Arab spring" country in the American list.

    I have a purpose to be on this website I mostly read some threads where technology and industry are available . these more "political" threads are mostly to kill time for me while im currently on vacation . but as a Saudi personally they can go **** themselves sideways for all I care .
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