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  1. K

    Saker Family of Saudi UAVs

    The Luna project is based on a German design from a small company that is in trouble ever since the main designer and owner had health issues
  2. K

    Saker Family of Saudi UAVs

    he can say what he wants . reality is when aramco came to them the aircraft crashed on testing ( this was the 4th hull loss) the aircraft apprently has issues with its datalink system and since there is no department in KACST dealing with it properly . well its a bust sadly
  3. K

    Russia Planning to Buy Aerial Drones from UAE

    my dear friend we are not buying the UNITED-40 from the UAE .
  4. K

    South Korea to Transfer UAV, Missile Technologies to UAE

    first off watch your mouth this a a forum . secondly i dont think you should believe everything you read. i prefer you AS some one who works in the industry and that KNOWS what exactly is going on . and as that person I CAN tell you with assurance that ADCOM systems is in a state of failure...
  5. K

    Saker Family of Saudi UAVs

    im sorry to inform you but that is not true . no purchase of the saker has been made to date . also this aircraft is based on a south african design of which KACST bought out right in a cash deal . the project has been plagued by incompetency and lethargy and now they are nearing the route of...
  6. K

    South Korea to Transfer UAV, Missile Technologies to UAE

    the entire arab scene for UAV's is one sad joke with the resources available they should have become world market leaders by now . the UAE has been running UAV start up companies for ages and NOTHING has come from them. we lack innovation and creativity and this is our chance to shine the world...
  7. K

    Saudi Arabian Air, Land, Naval Forces & SANG

    no matter how much equipment you have if you dont have a supporting industry to complement it then its just very expensive equipment that when a screw is missing will sit on the lawn and do nothing . our most powerful asset is the minds that are able to create an arms industry to support our...
  8. K

    What 99% of Arabs don't know about ,The History of Saudi Arabia

    explain to me how where prophet muhammad (pbuh) was victorious counts as a location of religious importance . a castles and battle areas just that . they hold no signifiance to islam . just admit your out of depth on this one as you are on almost everything
  9. K

    What 99% of Arabs don't know about ,The History of Saudi Arabia

    explain to me how where prophet muhammad (pbuh) was victorious counts as a location of religious importance . a castles and battle areas just that . they hold no signifiance to islam . just admit your out of depth on this one as you are on almost everything
  10. K

    What 99% of Arabs don't know about ,The History of Saudi Arabia

    you know more and more you prove to be mentally deranged . What significance to muslims and islam is a place where people were beaten ?? do we need to pray to it .NO . do we do ummrah and hajj to it .NO . so pray tell what does destroying a place where the jews were beaten mean to ISLAM.
  11. K

    Saudi Arabia Offers Russia Deal For Backing Off Assad Support

    This is the literally the funniest piece of news I've ever heard . A- Russia is ubber rich and doesnt need 15 billion for anything . B- Saudi Arabia has a very good relationship with russia regardless of syria and thus this would be a blunder . C- Both sides have interests in syria that...
  12. K

    What 99% of Arabs don't know about ,The History of Saudi Arabia

    Ill explain in simple terms. Jesus was christ (thus the name christianity) and the religion as it is today only came into existence around 100 years after he died . before that they were jews following jesus and his teaching
  13. K

    What 99% of Arabs don't know about ,The History of Saudi Arabia

    Jesus was not christian , that would be a contradiction.
  14. K

    What 99% of Arabs don't know about ,The History of Saudi Arabia

    apologies i misspelled it i meant alawi's.
  15. K

    What 99% of Arabs don't know about ,The History of Saudi Arabia

    That answer was golden !!! The second photo is the prophets mosque which has the prophets grave AND HOME .....truly priceless . I tell you what I think I know what your problem is other than are very much ignorant I think your also awali which makes Even more sense . Awalis are not even muslim...
  16. K

    What 99% of Arabs don't know about ,The History of Saudi Arabia

    Photoburst.net - Travel Photography Contest http://www.thecommentator.com/system/articles/inner_pictures/000/002/480/original/medina1_(1).JPG?1358498638 ON THE OTHER HAND http://talkingpointsmemo.com/assets_c/2013/04/Mosque-Syria-destroyed-cropped-proto-custom_24.jpg...
  17. K

    Sudan President's Plane Denied Saudi Fly-Over En Route to Iran

    The leadership didn't attend you concieted little persian ball of fun . I suggest you stop feeding misinformation to the unknowing masses
  18. K

    Saudi Arabia raises oil prices to The US, Europe and Asia

    Oil producers always increase and decrease the price based on supply and demand. and fyi the only winner out of 100 dollar oil is america . its simple really now they can afford to extract shale oil and sand oil so woohoo for them . saudi arabia and other oil producers are not the real...
  19. K

    Sudan President's Plane Denied Saudi Fly-Over En Route to Iran

    Dont be apologetic . its pure and simple the man irritated us so we didnt let him over our airspace . a certain EU country did the exact same thing a few weeks ago not to **** of america over snowden. Whether hes a murderer or not is not the issue. the message is clear if your friends with...
  20. K

    What 99% of Arabs don't know about ,The History of Saudi Arabia

    I can prove that your utterly conceited and borderline mentally deranged. and I deny any association you might have with the people of syrian which are by far better than your type of people
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