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  1. G

    China Communist Party Intrudes In Mosque Life

    Well Pakistan has a vested interest in Indian Muslims because they have family over in India. A lot of the Indian Kashmir's are related to Pakistan Kashmir's..so it is only natural that Pakistan condemns India when it kills innocent Kashmiri's.
  2. G

    China Communist Party Intrudes In Mosque Life

    The Uighur problem is not exactly a new thing...if you actually look at History, the people of that area have tended to rebel against authorities since the rule of Kublai Khan. Now I have never met a Uighur Chinese..but I have met a Han Chinese...and they do regard the Uighurs as there brothers...
  3. G

    China Communist Party Intrudes In Mosque Life

    Fact is Pakistan supports China with the Uighur issue...because simply many of the Uighur terrorists have come into Pakistan...and banded with many of the local terror groups. Furthermore both the Han and the Uighur people are not at fault....the reason is because the Uighur have failed to...
  4. G

    China Communist Party Intrudes In Mosque Life

    Your right I have a Chinese friend from Beijing...and she told me that the Muslims who are Hui get on well with the Han people.........however the Uighur's are an issue. Partly because around that area rapid development has taken place...and the Uighur's have failed to keep up.....while the Hans...
  5. G

    China Communist Party Intrudes In Mosque Life

    The main difference bewteen Chinese Muslims and Indian Muslims is that many Pakistani's have relatives in India....so when trouble is happening in certain parts of India...obviously some Pakistani's are concerned....as simply they care for there family members.....its only natural
  6. G

    Cameron doesn't understand Pakistan. Sadly, he is not alone

    You are a hypocrite...do you know why because you have clearly stated in this sentence that you as an individual are entitled to your opinion...so when I make a statement...what gives you the right to personally attack me for my beliefs......clearly you love using double standards. How mature...
  7. G

    Cameron doesn't understand Pakistan. Sadly, he is not alone

    Why don't we ask the moderator ...maybe he can decide what is what. And just for clarification I never abused India...I just gave my opinion..and then you decided to have a hissy fit because my views don't come in line with your's. If you can't handle such a thing then..what are you doing on a...
  8. G

    Cameron doesn't understand Pakistan. Sadly, he is not alone

    But that is my opinion.. which is not against forum rules...you on the other hand are personally attacking me...which is against forum rules....keep it up because then you will get banned.
  9. G

    Cameron doesn't understand Pakistan. Sadly, he is not alone

    Well you were saying that we were killing IRA left,right and centre so I gave you a link....you did not talk about civilians.....why are you changing in what you said before. And those civilians were not killed by the goverement...it was memebers bewteen the Catholic and protestant parties.
  10. G

    Cameron doesn't understand Pakistan. Sadly, he is not alone

    Read this article then..and even wiki says it...might not be credible...but its close enough. Provisional IRA campaign 1969?1997 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Provisional_Irish_Republican_Army
  11. G

    Cameron doesn't understand Pakistan. Sadly, he is not alone

    Personally attacking me will get you know where....it will just get you banned.....didn't someeone teach you any manners...that to get your point across to others you don't use abusive language...learn from pashwa in how you should conduct your self.
  12. G

    Cameron doesn't understand Pakistan. Sadly, he is not alone

    Why don't you read some of these links then maybe they will refresh your memory...in what a barbaric goverment you have. Behind the Kashmir Conflict - Under Siege: Doda and the Border Districts (Human Rights Watch Report, July 1999) Amnesty International | Working to Protect Human Rights...
  13. G

    Cameron doesn't understand Pakistan. Sadly, he is not alone

    Like I said the goverment regrets what it did...however has your Goverment done such a thing...No...it continues to be a killing Machine...which you seem to support. At least my Prime Minister has the decency to be ashmed of British actions that resulted in the deaths of other people ...shame...
  14. G

    Cameron doesn't understand Pakistan. Sadly, he is not alone

    Is that so..then why is there 55 people dead...if you don't believe in the solution at gun point.....it kind of goes against your theory. But you still have not answered my question...the majority of the Kashmiri's want independence...so if you are such a wonderful democratic goverement then why...
  15. G

    Cameron doesn't understand Pakistan. Sadly, he is not alone

    That is the past things have changed..since our colonial days....look the Prime Minister only made that comment because he wanted to woo the Indians...as you know the British economy is in tatters....and one of his main objectives is to kick start it....going to India and boosting economic ties...
  16. G

    A Gay Bar To Open Next To Ground Zero Mosque To Cater To “Islamic Gay Men."

    Sorry Captain America...but you can't be Muslim and Gay.....it says it in the Quran....so these people that you have quoted are not Muslim's...that's not an opinion its fact.
  17. G

    Cameron doesn't understand Pakistan. Sadly, he is not alone

    As I live in the UK..this is not true Pashwa..the radical groups such as Al-Muhajiroun contain mostly Arabs..yes there are British Pakistani's but few. Abu Hamza's boys are mix...he has a lot of black and white students under him.....evidence of this was one of the boys in 7/7 was black. But...
  18. G

    Cameron doesn't understand Pakistan. Sadly, he is not alone

    True I also feel the same Pashwa...if education is used then people would think more logically and not get involved into terrorism. However there is a big problem..where is Pakistan going to get the money to do such a thing....it would essentially need billions of dollars, and with the current...
  19. G

    Cameron doesn't understand Pakistan. Sadly, he is not alone

    True but if that is the case Pashwa then shouldn't you arrest this 13 year old girl for her hate speech.....I mean most Indians are content with the Indian paramiltary force in killing Kashmiri kids..if they rise against the state. however isn't this girls speech..which is clearly encouraging...
  20. G

    Cameron doesn't understand Pakistan. Sadly, he is not alone

    Wow even a kindergarden would understand what I wrote....I clearly said that Britain was WRONG IN GOING TO IRAQ......is that loud and clear...at least I am admitting my countries mistake......what about you. So you need to get off your high horse..thinking India is God's gifted Angel..that...
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