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  1. G

    Kashmir | News & Discussions.

    Well for starters Black people never wanted a separate state...just more rights....and it took them a long time., but they achieved it. The same determination if used by the Kashmiri people, can eventually give there freedom and dream of a separate state.
  2. G

    Kashmir | News & Discussions.

    English please....its against the forum rules to use Hindi or Urdu when debating on a discussion thread.
  3. G

    Kashmir | News & Discussions.

    Who know's anythink can happen.....when the Black people were the slaves of America....they did not have the belief of free rights...but over time things begun to change...and now we have a Black American President.....so it is possible.
  4. G

    Kashmir | News & Discussions.

    Karan welcome back to PDF. My reply was to a Indian poster, who claimed that Pakistan paid a person to be overexcited, so I was wondering where he got that idea from. It could be a wannabe group, but there are elements in Kuwait, that are supporting the freedom of Kashmir....so it is a start, as...
  5. G

    Kashmir | News & Discussions.

    Yet Pakistan occupied Kashmir...does not have the level of protests...in which we see in Indian occupied Kashmir.....in where the security forces are forced to use guns. So for all that development in which you are supposedly saying, seems to have gone to waste...as the end product is not there.
  6. G

    Kashmir | News & Discussions.

    Well at least they are changing...so progress is being made....yet 60 years on India still having problems with the Kashmiri people. BBC NEWS | Middle East | Leaders hail Kuwait women's votes
  7. G

    Kashmir | News & Discussions.

    If there was a Kuwaiti poster here...couldn't he say the same about India.....I mean you do have people running around......marrying animals.....plus you do have the caste system...so India is not too far off from the mark....wouldn't you agree.
  8. G

    Kashmir | News & Discussions.

    Can you explain more on that....technically women do have freedom in Pakistan or Britain, to my knowledge.
  9. G

    Kashmir | News & Discussions.

    So when Israel attacked the flotilla ship....what right did India have to condemn Israel...because technically it is there internal matter. So your analogy does not work...I am afraid.....or does India love using double standards. India condemns Israeli raid of flotilla bound for Gaza -...
  10. G

    Kashmir | News & Discussions.

    Indeed it is, but carry on with your agressive behavior towards Kashmir...it will only mount to more international condemnation....as a result Indian reputation as a democratic country will go down the drain.
  11. G

    Kashmir | News & Discussions.

    Are you high....the weed must be some potent sh!t.....lol.
  12. G

    Kashmir | News & Discussions.

    And where is your proof of Pakistan paying money to an overexcited fellow.....or is it a your imagination. Pressure is slowly mounting on India....it can no longer oppress the people of Kashmir...it needs to change its polices in how it treat's the Kashmiri people. But I applaud Kuwait for...
  13. G

    Sikh groups reviving militancy in Punjab: Govt

    Like your goverement said in this article....Punjab is breeding extremism....not the UK.....so its your own fault....you should not have attacked the Golden temple in 1984.
  14. G

    China wary of India's rise: Pentagon

    I don't defend it...but I think his quotes about making a bomb...was not very good...hence I told him to calm his nerves.
  15. G

    China wary of India's rise: Pentagon

    Justin however the Bharata could be a myth..there is no evidence in such a thing did happen....only evidence is from Hindu scriptures...and sorry to say I don't think that is a reliable source to some people. Abu Zolfiqar is right though....his ancestors are in no way linked to the Hindustan region.
  16. G

    China wary of India's rise: Pentagon

    On to a more serious issue...I don't think either China or India are wary of eachother....I mean they have great trade links...and that will only expand in the future....so there is no reason for them to be cautious of one another.
  17. G

    Sikh groups reviving militancy in Punjab: Govt

    There is quite a big group in the UK....that have the desire to restart the Miltancy groups in India. It seems like they have not forgot 1984....and want revenge from the Indian goverement.
  18. G

    China Communist Party Intrudes In Mosque Life

    Thankyou for the information Huzihaidoa.....it always good to know new things. And I am happy that the goverment is actively trying to help the Uighur people....unlike the terrible picture that is painted by the Western media..that has no clue on the issue.
  19. G

    China Communist Party Intrudes In Mosque Life

    I did a course in Rise of China....and one of the key things which I have learnt is that the Chinese Leadership is very conservative on its approach in imposing its will onto other countries. This single fact separates China from America....and the example can be seen is where China has...
  20. G

    China Communist Party Intrudes In Mosque Life

    Captain America have you actually gone to China....and specifically the Uighur areas. Because the propaganda which comes out of America is hardly reliable. The situation is not that bad...as claimed by some.....hopefully I will go next summer to China to see it my self.
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