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  1. G

    misfortune of Pakistan - Why are we beggers ?

    I agree with you.....however many who do stand are killed....simply because the elites of Pakistan have too much power....this type of power should have been destroyed by the Pakistani goverement during its early years of existance...but it failed.
  2. G

    misfortune of Pakistan - Why are we beggers ?

    Pakistan is a begger because it's institutions are weak and corrupted...by a handful of Mafia type Landlords. When I look at the history... of Pakistan during its early years of existence..its economy was fairly decent and there was potential to be an Asia Tiger...such as Singapore, South Korea...
  3. G

    Salman Rocks Silicon Valley

    Furthermore you as a Muslim are giving respect to Abdul Wahab....the one who collaborated with the British to kick the Ottomans out of Saudi Arabia. He gave support to the Saud family...who then if History serves me right attacked Medina and Mecca. And like my previous post's have stated that...
  4. G

    Salman Rocks Silicon Valley

    Furthermore the Beloved Prophet (Peace be upon him) did not like people who falsely accusing others of Shirk. This was proven in the Hadith of Jayyid The Prophet said "Verily, I fear about a man from you who will read the Qur'an so much that his face will become enlightened and he will come to...
  5. G

    Salman Rocks Silicon Valley

    Yazid ordered his army to attack Medina, and if we read in Al-Bidayah Volume 8 and Page 223, it says the beloved Holy Prophet stated: "who ever perpetuated injustice and frightened the residents of Medina, the curse of Allah, his Angels and all people is on such person" And the famous Doctor...
  6. G

    Salman Rocks Silicon Valley

    Ibn Katheer in Al Bidayah Volume 8 page 231 stated that the Prophet (Peace Be upon him said) said: Justice shall rule my Ummah until the first individual who shall destroy my Deen, from the Banu Ummayaa his name shall be Yazeed. Yazeed is accused of destroying the Deen by the Holy Prophet...
  7. G

    Salman Rocks Silicon Valley

    The very same Doctor Zakir Naik that was praising Yazid in front of a audience......who murdered Imam Husayn the grandson of the Prophet (Peace be upon him). And you call that real Islam....because if you do, that is insulting the Holy Prophet (Peace be upon him).
  8. G

    Kashmir | News & Discussions.

    Who ever killed the Mother and daughter are scum....there should be an inquiry.
  9. G

    The Ground-zero mosque, continued

    I think building this Mosque...will strengthen the relationship, bewteen American Muslims and ordinary American's. This whole issue is hyped up, 9/11 although very sad, is the thing of the past, people need to move on...things have changed since then.
  10. G

    Miss Pakistan World pageant

    I was kind of surprised that in Pakistan, you have women who are willing to wear such outfits....not good in my opinion as its against the principles of Islam. however we should not judge her, simply because we as human being's have no right to do so....even though this women is dressed like a...
  11. G

    The Ground-zero mosque, continued

    Well it is true Mr Soloman, that the people who are against the construction of the Mosque are Isreali backed lobbies.
  12. G

    Kashmir | News & Discussions.

    Well Mr IndianRabbit I applaud the fact that India is using non-lethal weapons, its a step towards progress. Hopefully this progress will continue and bring peace in Kashmir in which it deserves. So I have not criticized the Indian government, in fact I have just complemented it, for its smart...
  13. G

    Ethnic cleansing of minorities: Only Jain temple in Valley destroyed

    They have become intolerant, because they want to become independent, which you are denying them.
  14. G

    Ethnic cleansing of minorities: Only Jain temple in Valley destroyed

    Well like I said before, I condone such actions, simply because by the mobs destroying this Jain temple it will not solve the Kashmiri problem, just cause ethnic religious tension. But the reason why I have said that the people have been forced to do such actions, is because many of there...
  15. G

    Ethnic cleansing of minorities: Only Jain temple in Valley destroyed

    This is a sad case...but the Indian Goverement is at fault, simply because it has failed to solve the issue that has plagued Kashmir since 1989. Obviously I am not defending the mobs actions, but in a sense people are beiing forced to do such actions, when the State has killed numerous Kashmiri...
  16. G

    Babri Mosque will not be allowed anywhere in India: VHP

    Just because the thread is not tailored to your beliefs......doesn't mean it is a joke. Instead of attacking Jana, you should question why someone in your country is trying to cause religious tension.
  17. G

    Kashmir | News & Discussions.

    Obviously that scenrio has not played well in the last 60 years....instead of killing them, you should educate them, otherwise these people will be replaced by the next generation, and the cycle will continue again and again.
  18. G

    Kashmir | News & Discussions.

    This is very dissapointing news....I support Kashmir and there struggle for independence, however to use such intimidation tactics on others, who are not involved in this dispute.....is very very wrong. Kashmiri people are not just Muslims, but Sikhs and Hindues and they should respect each...
  19. G

    Kashmir | News & Discussions.

    This comment by Mr Gilani shows that the average Kashmiri person, is not very supportive of the Indian goverement. Why because he has huge support in Kashmir...as a result he represents a huge number of people...and is clearly commenting on the grievances of the Kashmiri people have with the...
  20. G

    Kashmir | News & Discussions.

    If he spoke that openly in India....would he get harrased for being a traitor...because his views are not pro Indian.....I am just curious to know the answer to this. Actually it does Karan...it puts pressure on Pakistan...to contain terrorism....and in some cases sanction could be...
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