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  1. G

    misfortune of Pakistan - Why are we beggers ?

    Oh yes that same Dictator that brought economic growth to Pakistan.....that same Dictator that took Pakistan out of the IMF loan.....that same dictator that gave political respect to Pakistan abroad. Your point has no substance...Mushy has done some mistakes however generally he was a great...
  2. G

    misfortune of Pakistan - Why are we beggers ?

    I can talk what I like....as this is a public forum....if you have a problem with that...talk to the moderator. Quite frankly you are very naive to suggest that you know Pakistan's requirements....because if that is the case...then why is Pakistan in this pathetic state. And I don't need to...
  3. G

    misfortune of Pakistan - Why are we beggers ?

    Well you live in Pakistan.....so any problem is going to have a impact on you not me, as I live in England. Its up to you to do something....and so far Pakistani's like you have failed in this regard.
  4. G

    misfortune of Pakistan - Why are we beggers ?

    Just because a few Army men are wealthy does not mean all our. Those that are because of there own family wealth...or simply because the army takes care of its own. One such case is the Fauji Foundation where retired soilders work there and earn a decent living....how is that robbing the nation.
  5. G

    misfortune of Pakistan - Why are we beggers ?

    The army Generals of Pakistan are partly responsible in why Pakistan has failed....yet they are not the core problem. The core problem is these Landlords that reside in Pakistan...who have enormous power.....and who currently reside in your Parliament. Pakistani people are not beggars...yet it...
  6. G

    misfortune of Pakistan - Why are we beggers ?

    Yes Pakistani people have worked hard.....yet they have been stupid.....its fact...look at the state of Pakistan......worse period in its History....why because people such as yourself who live in Pakistan voted in Zardari into Power. Under Mushy, Pakistan was much better off, you had no IMF...
  7. G

    misfortune of Pakistan - Why are we beggers ?

    Give me proof that the Army Generals have been robbing the Nation of Pakistan. Let me guess are you a PPP supporter.....the so called champions of democracy......before you point fingers at the army.....you should point fingers at your politicians who have so much wealth yet have failed Pakistan...
  8. G

    JF-17 "Extremely close" to the MIG-29: Mikhail Pogosyan

    I don't know hardly anythink about aviation...but if Mikhail Pogosyan is saying that the JF-17 is close to the Mig 29 then Indian members, cannot argue on this issue further....as the guy knows more than you. I don't support either Pakistan or India...but jealousy is flowing around in this...
  9. G

    misfortune of Pakistan - Why are we beggers ?

    Yep in my opinion if Pakistan wants to progress it needs to cut this spread of Cancer.....starting with the removal of Zardari so that foreign investor's have thhe confidence to come back in the country.
  10. G

    misfortune of Pakistan - Why are we beggers ?

    True I agree here Nawaz Sharif even though is a fool in my opinion is a million times better than Zardari. However the guy is still more interested in attacking Mushy...he has a personal vendetta. Punjab has been in his control for at least 2 and half years...yet Punjab is in a mess. But like I...
  11. G

    misfortune of Pakistan - Why are we beggers ?

    Yes I have heard this aswell that Pakistan had such potential in the 60s that it actually could have been a Asian Tiger like Singapore, South Korea, Hong Kong and Taiwan...but sadly it was not to be.
  12. G

    misfortune of Pakistan - Why are we beggers ?

    But that is the problem, there is no wise goverement...in fact Pakistan is essentially run by two parties who have looted Pakistan. So how can Pakistan progress when the cycle will continue again and again....because the way I look at it.....both of these parties are already putting forward...
  13. G

    misfortune of Pakistan - Why are we beggers ?

    Also the question rises...why has Pakistan not utilized non of its resources.....it is truly pathetic, that it has huge coal reserves, Gold and other minerals...yet it is going to the IMF......which in Islam is bad because interest was disliked by the Holy Prophet (Peace be upon him). Pakistan...
  14. G

    misfortune of Pakistan - Why are we beggers ?

    Mushy was good for Pakistan...however he still did not tackle the landlords of Pakistan, which in my opinion was his downfall. The reason was because if memory serves me right, the lawyers movement was having a deep impact on Mushy's rule...however at the same time food prices were being hiked...
  15. G

    misfortune of Pakistan - Why are we beggers ?

    Yes you are right....however then its the people's fault in electing both the PPP and the PMLM. Pakistan may have been looted in the last 60 years....however many of the Oversea Pakistani's who have been in countries such as Britain since the 50s could have changed that. India had the same...
  16. G

    misfortune of Pakistan - Why are we beggers ?

    Why bring India to the Thread...its got nothing to do with why Pakistan is in this situation....I think you need to take a chill pill.....and stick to the topic instead of taking pot shots at your Neighbour....I suggest you make another thread on the Indian Economy.
  17. G

    misfortune of Pakistan - Why are we beggers ?

    Pakistan does not need foreign aid....its just that the corrupt leaders of Pakistan are not utilizing its resources, mixed with poor economic policies have resulted in Pakistan in what it is today....its has simple as that. Pakistan has many Billionaires yet theses fools have failed to help...
  18. G

    misfortune of Pakistan - Why are we beggers ?

    Pakistan's obsession of India has got nothing to do with why Pakistan has not progressed. The simple fact is that the people have failed the country...so I don't know why you got India involved into the equation.
  19. G

    misfortune of Pakistan - Why are we beggers ?

    Okay maybe you are right..as you are more knowledgable than me....however where have the Oversea Pakistani been in the last 60 years of Pakistan. I can understand Mr 10% as that guy has scared investors from Pakistan....however what about before him.....this is where oversea Pakistani's have failed.
  20. G

    misfortune of Pakistan - Why are we beggers ?

    Well in my opinion that is happening in Pakistan...if you look at Punjab its controlled by the Sharif Brothers if you go to Sindh its controlled by the Bhutto family. The Bhutto family enjoys popular support in Sindh not because the population loves them....but because the Bhutto Clan owns much...
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