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  1. G

    Kashmir | News & Discussions.

    Then why are you not condemning this killing, why are you not demanding questions to your goverement, in why your security forces are failing in there duty. Honestly what is the point in having a huge GDP when you can't even train your forces, who seem to have poor equipment....pity.
  2. G

    Kashmir | News & Discussions.

    Looks like the situation is getting worse...very disappointing to hear that the Indian goverment is failing to control the crowd in a civil productive manner.
  3. G

    Afghanistan call for sanctions against Pakistan

    This is a prime example that in the Afghan government there are people full of corruption....which has stunted the progress in there fight against Taliban. Proof of this is that drug levels in Afghanistan have increased.....so because of there failure they seem to push there troubles on to...
  4. G

    Afghanistan call for sanctions against Pakistan

    This is a major point in my opinion....and it beg's the question, what would be the fate of Afghanistan when America and Nato Alllies decide to pack there bags. So it would be wise if the Afghan Government tries to bridge a relationship with there Neighbour so that both can fight the war on...
  5. G

    Afghanistan call for sanctions against Pakistan

    First of all I am not dear to you...that makes you sound creepy.....and this forum is Neutral...as you can see many people from different Nationalities come and give there opinion. Actually I don't feel privilaged to make fun of other people.....if you actuallly look at my History I only use...
  6. G

    Afghanistan call for sanctions against Pakistan

    Afghanistan and Pakistan need to build a level of trust..so that the War on Terror can be won. There is no need for both of these sides to argue with one another, as that is what the Taliban are aiming for. This comment made by the Afghan MP was not warranted because at this precise moment...
  7. G

    Afghanistan call for sanctions against Pakistan

    She is expressing her opinion which is her right to do in this forum.....because if we go by your connatation half the people in this thread would be banned, as most have personally criticized each others Nations. However you step over the line when you personally attack others....but its worse...
  8. G

    Afghanistan call for sanctions against Pakistan

    I agree completely...he has no manners....I can understand if he spoke to another guy like that...but to use that sort of language on a women...shows to me he has no class..well thats my opinion.
  9. G

    Afghanistan call for sanctions against Pakistan

    She may be wrong in some cases...but speaking rude to her is not very Gentlemen....in fact it show's you have no class or standard. Instead you should reply back in a respectful manner.....in England I have had some heated debates..where even the women in question has even swore at me....yet I...
  10. G

    Afghanistan call for sanctions against Pakistan

    I don't give respect to that person...who cannot speak properly to a women....I guarantee you if he said that in England, he would get a slap in the face. And furthermore why don't you take a chill pill and drink some of that famous soft drink that I hear in India.
  11. G

    Afghanistan call for sanctions against Pakistan

    For your information Jana is a women, a very respected Journalists in Pakistan.....I guess no one taught you in how to respect women..otherwise you wouldn't be speaking to her in that tone.....but what do you expect with people who advocate a caste system....have a urine soft Drink....and to top...
  12. G

    misfortune of Pakistan - Why are we beggers ?

    Karen what are the latest figures....I know its going off topic, But I am just curious. I think Pakistan has more Poverty in Percentage wise, because of the Earthquake and flooding's that have happened in the last 5 years.
  13. G

    Afghanistan call for sanctions against Pakistan

    Yes but most of theses comanders willl be replaced...and the only reason why that is such a high number is because of the recent operations....but I can agree that the tide can go either way. But in my opinion the war is going in the way how Vietnam was conducted....eventually American public...
  14. G

    Afghanistan call for sanctions against Pakistan

    Hello Karen, well then its anyone's theory if such an action can be possible....I seriously doubt it at this current financial crisis. I agree the Government's of all these Nations are much more mature than all of us in this forum.
  15. G

    Afghanistan call for sanctions against Pakistan

    Not my airspace...but Pakistan's...mines British. With the current financial crisis...this is not feasible...the British Public will not allow it as we are already in the biggest deficit in our History...already the Prime Minister is drawing plan's in how to leave Afghanistan...and if you...
  16. G

    Afghanistan call for sanctions against Pakistan

    If that was feasible it would have been done by now...the cost of it would be huge...and do you think Pakistan will allow India in its airspace to get to Afghanistan....I don't think so.
  17. G

    Afghanistan call for sanctions against Pakistan

    Taliban was created by both America and Pakistan..so what is your point....most Talibs are Afghani...so its the fault of Afghans in why there country is so inept.
  18. G

    Afghanistan call for sanctions against Pakistan

    I actually was against what Britain did in the past....but now I think about it...I'm proud because it makes Indians angry...knowing that we a small country ruled over India. Furthermore you don't have slavery in Britain, no more...but you do...so talk in the present time.....how shameful....Lol.
  19. G

    Afghanistan call for sanctions against Pakistan

    That is where you are wrong, the Prime Minister is commmenting on the fact of Pakistani supporting groups in which it had links in the past. Other wise why else would Wiliam Hague say this "He wasn't accusing anybody of double dealing,"
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