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  1. G

    Serving Two Masters: Shariah Law and the Secular State

    Every Muslim should believe in Shariah, and it is not an outdated system. There is not one single country in this world that has proper Shariah law, it's quite sad, but hopefully one day Pakistan or any other Muslim country will be able to accomplish such a feat.
  2. G

    PAF's possible answer to MRCA

    How do you know....I am curious are you part of the PAF to make such a bold statement, or is it based upon your assumptions. From what I have gathered from Senior Members on this Forum is that PAF already have a squadran which consist of 18 planes, and from certain reports another squadran will...
  3. G

    PAF's possible answer to MRCA

    Can't the same be said about India's MMRCA......Its been donkey years since India wanted such a plane, yet it has failed to do so already.
  4. G

    PAF's possible answer to MRCA

    Historically India has always had a nummerical advantage over Pakistan....so its not a new factor...which you seem to point out quite regularly in this forum. I admit India has a superb Airforce, yet India cannot focus all its air power onto Pakistan, as it has to safe guard its border from...
  5. G

    PAF's possible answer to MRCA

    How do you know that MKI and MMRCA will be better than FC20.....its a very immature statement, to make as you don't know the specs of FC20. Your making assumptions with no credible evidence.
  6. G

    A Muslim Woman who teaches Kirtan...

    Pakistani's in this discussion board are not being hard liners.....they are just following there religion. I don't want to sound offending but your religion may have innovation, but Islam can never change, and the women in question is not following the Sunnah as she is glorying the Sikh...
  7. G

    A Muslim Woman who teaches Kirtan...

    Why would he go there in the first place....that's unproductive, as idol worshipping in Islam was disliked By our Holy Prophet (Peace Be Upon Him), and its the Sunnah of Muslims to follow his example.
  8. G

    A Muslim Woman who teaches Kirtan...

    The key word which you missed out was that she is teaching Sikh Religious music, where instead she should have studied more on Islam, instead of singing in a temple glorifying the idol gods, no offence but that is my opinion. She is putting all this effort in educating the Sikhs in there...
  9. G

    A Muslim Woman who teaches Kirtan...

    # You have mental issues...as this is a muslim women, obviously her actions would be scrutinized under the Islamic law, so other religion's are of no concern in this discussion as its about her actions in teaching Kirtan, and which in my opinion is wrong.....slowly process the word opinion...
  10. G

    A Muslim Woman who teaches Kirtan...

    You must be on crack, what has all the above statement's mentioned by you got to do with this discussion.....damn it must be some potent sh!t for you to sprout that BS. As this is a muslim women, this issue concerns the Muslim community, so what the hell are you yapping on about. And for your...
  11. G

    A Muslim Woman who teaches Kirtan...

    You are correct that Allah sent Prophets throughout the ages of Mankind, but obviously Prophet Muhammed (Peace Be Upon Him) was the last, so Saints from Sikhism would not count, as that is 500 odd years old. So by her singing the praise of the Kirtan, she is actually wasting her energy into...
  12. G

    A Muslim Woman who teaches Kirtan...

    I personally don't give a flying hoot if its pathetic....as I clearly stated that it was my opinion, so clean your glasses so that you can fully comprehend what the other person is trying to say. Well as I said before her actions would be judged by God, but if we go by Islam, clearly singing...
  13. G

    A Muslim Woman who teaches Kirtan...

    In my opinion I think the women in question is misguided if she calls her self a muslim, and preaches the religiuous songs of Sikhism. She should instead teach the kids about Islam, and spend more time in memorising the Quran rather than the Kirtan. Oh well she will answer to God, in the day of...
  14. G

    Azerbaijan supports Pakistan on Kashmir

    If you have nothing constructive to say in this discussion, then you should refrain from commenting, so that precious Bandwidth would not be wasted.
  15. G

    Critiquing CWG may hit business ties: Anand Sharma tells nations

    This is a prime example that India is not ready for such an event. You make have a huge GDP, but you got miles away to catch up to Western countries.....this is not a dig at India but the truth. Anyway that Paramilitary personel should be punished.
  16. G

    Critiquing CWG may hit business ties: Anand Sharma tells nations

    This economic growth rate, will not last forever, and when it does cease and hits it's peak then we will be able to tell how strong the Indian economy is. India may have a higher growth, yet its income per capital will always be way below the UK, and that is contributed due to its population...
  17. G

    Critiquing CWG may hit business ties: Anand Sharma tells nations

    I don't want to offend any Indian posters, but the way India has operated the CWG has been atrocious. Some of the pictures shown on the BBC, reinforce the point, that India is not at moment ready for such a momentous task. This threatning parade will not work on Western countries, because...
  18. G

    Babri Mosque bench judge goes public with dissent note

    Mr Warrior006 what you are advocating does not make sense, because this is a Pakistani defence forum, so the Pakistani posters have a legit right in expressing there opinion on the issue at hand. It sounds to me that you are defending theses animals who saw fit to destroy a magnificent Mosque...
  19. G

    Kashmir | News & Discussions.

    Well these killing's which are conducted by your Security forces, are not obviously being condemned by ordinary Indians, because if that was a case then there would be protests in India. However obvioulsy you lot don't give a sh!
  20. G

    Kashmir | News & Discussions.

    From the above statement, clearly India is not quite democratic, but is run on dictatorship. By the way I believe in a theory called what goes around, comes around. My meaning is India is oppressing the Kashmiri people, but there will be a time when the same might happen to India.
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