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  1. G

    Wikileaks : Secret Afghanistan War logs

    Some times people have no common sense, lets's look at this in a logical way. Why would Pakistan support terrorist's who are causing havoc in Pakistan, and as a result hundreds of suicide attacks have occurred, killing thousands of civilians. Pakistan is not playing any form of a double...
  2. G

    Wikileaks : Secret Afghanistan War logs

    The reports from wikileak are not concreet proof that Pakistan is involved in supporting terrorists. The simple fact is America is losing the war in Afghanistan, just like the Soviets did.............now the American establishment is slowly recognizing this aswell, so its using Pakistan as a...
  3. G

    Wikileaks : Secret Afghanistan War logs

    And it is time for India to stop their double game. Stop poking your nose into Balouchistan and funding terrorists groups that are trying to destablize Pakistan. And Mr Bhagathsingh do tell me, what advantages has Pakistan gained, you seem to have inside knowledge in which none of us have...
  4. G

    8 yr old girl given as vani twice, "husband" raped her

    This is a very hedious case, sometimes I feel very upset how some Pakistani women are treated in society by some Pakistani men. They should be ashamed of themselves.
  5. G

    140 dead in DR Congo river disaster

    This news is very sad, I hate when something like this happens.
  6. G

    Job seeking Jats threaten to disrupt Commonwealth Games

    Maybe you need to clean your glasses, because this Forum is a Pakistani Defence forum.
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