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  1. G

    Cameron's inflammatory comments against Pakistan: I meant Pakistanis are terrorists..

    You must have been sleeping during your history class......it's a known fact that France and Germany are the founding father of the EU. Majority of the European countries looked to France and Germany as a means of direction.........not the UK. Plus your right France and Germany do have a bigger...
  2. G

    Cameron's inflammatory comments against Pakistan: I meant Pakistanis are terrorists..

    Is that right Mr Jackstraw......then why aren't they doing it now........simple fact is they can't afford to do something like that the American economy is burning.....and America is losing the war that is fact my friend....you camn't dispute that.
  3. G

    Cameron's inflammatory comments against Pakistan: I meant Pakistanis are terrorists..

    America's time will soon run out........give it 2 to 3 decade there hegmony power over the world will soon collaspe. All I'm saying is there will come a time when Pakistan will have a leader........and will take no more **** from America.......just how ahmadinejad has disregarded them.......what...
  4. G

    Cameron's inflammatory comments against Pakistan: I meant Pakistanis are terrorists..

    France and Germany have more political clout than Great Britian..........also it has a much larger economy than Britain......so I don't comprehend in how you can compare the UK to those countries. Looks like your drinking too much alcohol, take it easy ramu.
  5. G

    Cameron's inflammatory comments against Pakistan: I meant Pakistanis are terrorists..

    And I would like to see America try to take on Pakistan full directly......it ain't gonna happen......you know why, thats because America is struggling with the Taliban in Afghanistan, already it has loss 54 soilders alone this month.
  6. G

    Cameron's inflammatory comments against Pakistan: I meant Pakistanis are terrorists..

    Well ramu things have changed drastically since then. First reason is because America is losing the war in Afghanistan........ its only a matter of time, we know it the Americans know it, thats why they are using us as a scapegoat. But do you know there will come a time when America pressurises...
  7. G

    Cameron's inflammatory comments against Pakistan: I meant Pakistanis are terrorists..

    Well what David Cameron must also realise is that 80% of Nato supplies go through Pakistan........if we wanted to we can just cut this supply and cripple Nato forces.........he best be careful how he addresses Pakistan, before he opens that mouth of his.
  8. G

    Cameron's inflammatory comments against Pakistan: I meant Pakistanis are terrorists..

    Well Ramu before David Cameron starts to moan and whine about Pakistan doing more, maybe he should look at his own troops, in how they have misused there power in Afghanistan. UK troops could face Afghan 'war crime' trials - Scotsman.com News Fact is this pathetic Prime Minister has only made...
  9. G

    Cameron's inflammatory comments against Pakistan: I meant Pakistanis are terrorists..

    Ramu you must be living in the stone age.......the coalition goverment is bewteen the Conservatives and the Liberal Democrats........so get your facts right before you sprout you nonsense in knowing more about British politics than others.
  10. G

    Cameron's inflammatory comments against Pakistan: I meant Pakistanis are terrorists..

    SMC you are right even though David Cameron is the current Prime Minister, he is not looked on highly by the British public. Fact is during the British Election, the voters did not give there confidence to him, and there was a hung Parliamment......and that has only happened three times in the...
  11. G

    Cameron's inflammatory comments against Pakistan: I meant Pakistanis are terrorists..

    BBC News - David Cameron criticised over World War II history slip Lol the guy even insults his own country, so he has no credibillity. Honestly what was the British public thinking, when electing a moron like him.
  12. G

    Wikileaks : Secret Afghanistan War logs

    Did you not read my post properly, of course they were hero's at the time what do you expect, these same people brought the once mighty Soviet empire to it's knees. Unlike the Americans who left........ we stayed and tried to help these people. We did support the Taliban simply because it's...
  13. G

    Cameron's inflammatory comments against Pakistan: I meant Pakistanis are terrorists..

    Pakistan should not worry about his comment, because he is a crackhead. Yes, I took drugs, says Cameron - UK Politics, UK - The Independent Maybe the Indian Prime Minister gave him a joint to smoke, just before the press conference.
  14. G

    French mother confesses to killing 8 babies

    I don't understand people soemtimes, why the hell would you want to produce kids, then you just kill them.
  15. G

    Pakistan to deport Afghan refugees

    I agree with you, the Afghan's who are in the UK, always badmouth about Pakistan, they are an ungrateful lot., even though we have tried to help them. But then again most of these Afghans who complain are Tajik or Uzbek.
  16. G

    UK troops could face Afghan 'war crime' trials

    And David Cameron has the audascity to complain about Pakistan, maybe he should control his own troops first, before pointing fingers at other countries.
  17. G

    Wikileaks : Secret Afghanistan War logs

    Before you question Pakistan maybe you should question your own goverment. Don't you find it strange that if Pakistan is sponsoring terrorism, then why the hell is there bombing's going off in Pakistan. Furthermore who is funding these groups, can't be ISI because there indoctrination is...
  18. G

    Pakistan to deport Afghan refugees

    Like give me an example, you can't say we have not helped Afghanistan, we took in these refugees with the goodness of our hearts, furthermore we were at least involved in trying to stablize Afghanistan after the Soviets left, where were the Americans.......no where, because they don't give a...
  19. G

    Wikileaks : Secret Afghanistan War logs

    I have read what Zardari said.......what's your point, it's a known fact that America supported these militants them selves, however like Zardari said these Militants were hero's yesteryears, however we don't support them now, otherwise, why is there bombs going off Pakistan.
  20. G

    Wikileaks : Secret Afghanistan War logs

    Maybe you have not read history properly, but you do know the terrorists in which he is referring to our the Mujahideen, that fought against the Soviets during the 80s. This is the same group that America funded and supported against the Soviets. Yes we did support this group, and we were...
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