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  1. G

    Kashmir | News & Discussions.

    And you should be ashmed of your pathetic goverment, who preaches democracy, yet kills to maintain control over a area, in which clearly people are oppose to your style of rule. Futhermore you proclaim to be democratic when you still have not arrested Modi, who was the instigator of the Gujarat...
  2. G

    Kashmir | News & Discussions.

    Well you call yourself Democratic, yet you kill those who are oppose to your unjust rule. In Democracy people are allowed to voice there opinion, but it seems the Indian goverment does not allow this, others 45 people would not have died. fact is if Kashmir wanted to be with india then
  3. G

    Kashmir | News & Discussions.

    The only thing I see is a bunch of youth's who are tired of Indian rule, and are desperate to have a independent State. By the way there are ways to disperse riots without killing anyone, it'a not the rioters fault if the Indian Security forces are inadequately trained.
  4. G

    Kashmir | News & Discussions.

    well clearly you did by killing 45 people.....
  5. G

    Kashmir | News & Discussions.

    If that was the case, then where was your police during the Gujarat riots......were they sleeping and daydreaming when the Hindues were mudering the Muslims.....how convienent that the Indian Security force only comes into to action when it suits them. ---------- Post added at 09:22 PM...
  6. G

    Kashmir | News & Discussions.

    I think you need to take a chill pill.....frustration is getting to you.
  7. G

    Kashmir | News & Discussions.

    If you are a third world country that has not leaned such noble idea's, as you claim.......then don't call your self a democratic State.
  8. G

    Kashmir | News & Discussions.

    If you are killing people who are protesting for more rights, or want an Independent State due to negligence by the goveremnt, then you have no right to call your self a democratic State.
  9. G

    Kashmir | News & Discussions.

    Lol if the Indian goverment was upholding security and peace in the State......then why are 45 civilians are dead. Clearly people are not happy living under Indian rule. Then why are there 45 people dead, clearly they do take pleasure in killing Kashmiri's because otherwise they would not...
  10. G

    Kashmir | News & Discussions.

    India should be ashamed of itself........espicially claiming to be a democracy, when it uses violence on those who are not happy under it's rule. If that is the case Linkin, then if these people are disrupting life in Kashmir and are delibrately causing trouble......does that not signify...
  11. G

    Cameron's inflammatory comments against Pakistan: I meant Pakistanis are terrorists..

    well from your post you said clearly tory and conservatives.........I will repeat it everytime when you booast to others that you are more intellectual than them. My advice is take a chill pill.........I can see the frustration building up.........stress is bad for your body.
  12. G

    Cameron's inflammatory comments against Pakistan: I meant Pakistanis are terrorists..

    Well you don't have intellectual skills, your self.......as you are the same guy who last night said the Tory and the Conservatives are in a colilition goverment. And the fact that you live in England makes it more shameful.
  13. G

    Cameron's inflammatory comments against Pakistan: I meant Pakistanis are terrorists..

    Afghanistan war | US diplomacy | Barack Obama This is just a blog, but if America is so rich and can afford to supply Nato forces through other means.......then why are they borrowing money from China.
  14. G

    Cameron's inflammatory comments against Pakistan: I meant Pakistanis are terrorists..

    You have still not answered my question..........stop running around in circles. If Pakistan is so bad and the CIA know's this, then why haven't they decided to attack Pakistan or at least change the Nato supply routes going into Afghanistan. Simple answer is they can't afford to do it, because...
  15. G

    Cameron's inflammatory comments against Pakistan: I meant Pakistanis are terrorists..

    You really need to use common sense..........China and Pakistan have a great friendship, that has been tested throughout the decades. So what made you believe that China will allow Nato forces to use its land to attack Pakistan, or allow it to supply Nato forces........when there is no benefit...
  16. G

    Cameron's inflammatory comments against Pakistan: I meant Pakistanis are terrorists..

    There you go Mr Jackdaw you said it your self, it is the cheapest and quickest route. Now from the current scenrio of the American Economy it can't afford to go through this option......the American public will not allow it. And the Central Asian states is not an option, just a few months ago...
  17. G

    Cameron's inflammatory comments against Pakistan: I meant Pakistanis are terrorists..

    Ramu why should I chage my flag............what are you the Headmaster. For your information I am proud to be a Pakistani, but also proud to be English because I was born here. Futhermore I have a right to criticize the UK goverment, just as the Mods of this forum have allowed you to criticize...
  18. G

    Cameron's inflammatory comments against Pakistan: I meant Pakistanis are terrorists..

    Don't know why you are laughing.......wasn't it you who claimed that tories equal Liberal Democrats........I at least know the parties that reside in England...shame the same can't be said about you. And why have you gone off topic answer my question......I have more of a right to live in...
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