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  1. G

    Kashmir | News & Discussions.

    It probably lasted for 80 years, as some say that it was formed in 1917 or 1920. however don't get my country involved when the thread is about India...stick to the topic, you should no better as your a senior member. India is doing the Killing not the UK goverement in Kashmir......as I said...
  2. G

    Kashmir | News & Discussions.

    Well first you need to get glasses.......Lol, this is a thread about Kashmir and as it resides in India......you are held responsible for all the human rights violations in Kashmir. Second there is no Americans in this thread for me to question them about there violation.....its as simple as...
  3. G

    Kashmir | News & Discussions.

    Yes I was alive when the UK goverment went out to Iraq...and I was against it......however at least our goverment allowed protesters to voice there opinion.......shame the same can't be said about India.....what was 45 people dead...tsk. And how have we raped Iraq...in actual fact we took out a...
  4. G

    Kashmir | News & Discussions.

  5. G

    Kashmir | News & Discussions.

    Anyway it was nice talking but its 2 am, must go sleep.
  6. G

    Kashmir | News & Discussions.

    That is true they need to be eliminated....however they are not a fully recognized goverment, they are just a small group.......while India is a proper goverment and the fact that it tries to stoop to the militant's level of tactics........does not speak well for your goverment.
  7. G

    Kashmir | News & Discussions.

    Go to the Pharmacy and get a chill pill....and I'm not talking from my backside as its not possible. This thread is about Kashmir so I will bring in Kashmiri related issues......if I wanted to go to The whole of India in its human rights violations.....I would not be able to sleep for weeks...
  8. G

    Kashmir | News & Discussions.

    Your right Pakistan should not use terrorists for it's own gain, as it not helpful to thed solution, however I have hard that alot of Pakistani Kashmiri's have relatives on the Indian side of Kashmir.....so when they hear the deaths of there relatives.....it can be understandble in why there...
  9. G

    Kashmir | News & Discussions.

    Pakistan is wrong as well, as I said it in one of my previous post that both sides have not progressed forward. However India is the worse violater because of the simple fact that it control that side of Kashmir, and yet still there are violation's of human right's, such as disaaperance, raping...
  10. G

    Kashmir | News & Discussions.

    Fact is I was not alive when England was being oppressive.......but you on the other hand are alive to witness what your goverment is doing.....and instead of condemning it, your defending its action. The difference is I can at least admit that we were oppressors and were very much wrong in...
  11. G

    Kashmir | News & Discussions.

    that is a lame excuse...stop hiding behind the excuse that it is an internal matter, if that is the case then stop whining to the world that Pakistan is involved with these incidences........and bringing in foriegn goverments inthe the equation to reprimand Pakistan........do it your self.
  12. G

    Kashmir | News & Discussions.

    What's the matter...did the article hit some home truths that the Indian goverment is a brutal regime....that has caused the death of thousands of Kashmiri's who you procliam to be your countrymen. wow if that is how you treat your countrymen, I wonder how you treat your enemies.
  13. G

    Kashmir | News & Discussions.

    Human Rights violations in Indian Occupied Kashmir Oh look how brave of the Indian army to murder a 9 year old....who is doing the oppressing now pasha.......
  14. G

    Kashmir | News & Discussions.

    Has there been a recent case....stop getting previous history involved...the present is the key......and at the moment your goverment is doing all the opppressing......did you not leaarn nothing from us, if we were the oppressors.
  15. G

    Kashmir | News & Discussions.

  16. G

    Kashmir | News & Discussions.

    Human Rights Crisis in Kashmir - A Pattern of Impunity A very old article....but it shows nothing has been achived from both sides Pakistan or India.
  17. G

    Kashmir | News & Discussions.

    Amnesty urges Obama: Get tough on Indian human rights | Left Foot Forward Its good that the Indian goverment is being brutal...as it will show the world that something needs to be done.....and that this issue should be looked at.
  18. G

    Kashmir | News & Discussions.

    this is just a blog but it show how many people the Indian soilders have killed unjustly. HUMAN RIGHTS VIOLATIONS IN KASHMIR: Killer Facts: Kashmir Cauldron - year of teenage killings
  19. G

    Kashmir | News & Discussions.

    If that is the case......why don't you leave PDF and ,mind your own bussiness...you Indians seem to involve your self in Pakistani matters......furthermore this is a public forum I can talk what ever I like, are you the headmaster to tell me what to do....lol. calm down, i know it takes a...
  20. G

    Kashmir | News & Discussions.

    2008 Human Rights Reports: India This is a good article to read
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