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  1. G

    Cameron doesn't understand Pakistan. Sadly, he is not alone

    That is because I am British and do hail the Queen what is your point.......oh I get it you must be paying homage to the Royal family as it did rule over your country.
  2. G

    Cameron doesn't understand Pakistan. Sadly, he is not alone

    Well I am British so whats your point....when the French invaded Enland in 1066...does that mean all english are french....nope..so your point in invalid. You are so eager to mock Britain....yet we ruled over you.....how does that feel when that information sinks in.
  3. G

    Cameron doesn't understand Pakistan. Sadly, he is not alone

    Actually I was not contradicting my self...all I said was Pakistan is doing its duty towards the war on Terror and it seems to have worked in the last 5 years..as the last terror attack was in 2005...so I don't understand how I am contradicting my self....but its okay must be your stress...
  4. G

    Cameron doesn't understand Pakistan. Sadly, he is not alone

    At least I can say I did something...what can you say squat.....but don't worry I can feel your emotion's....its starting to sink in what a disgusting goverment you have.....because all the things which you are describing my goverment...is in fact what your goverement is doing presently in Kashmir.
  5. G

    Cameron doesn't understand Pakistan. Sadly, he is not alone

    That means that you can't lecture the Pakistanis on what they do in there country....and personally I don't give a damn what your Talugu culture says....its unimportant.
  6. G

    Cameron doesn't understand Pakistan. Sadly, he is not alone

    That was four hundred years ago.....the present is important...and your goverment is doing all the killing..it's the truth....It hurts....but take a chill pill. Now if you want to talk about the past..look at how uncivilised your people were..you have a caste system....you did Sati.....and your...
  7. G

    Cameron doesn't understand Pakistan. Sadly, he is not alone

    Agnostic Muslim you are indeed correct...hate speeches is not a crime...the BNP of England....the BJP of India.....and the Klu Klux clan of America are an example..where hate speeches have been used, but they have not been punished. But the question arises does Hafiz Saeed step over the...
  8. G

    Cameron doesn't understand Pakistan. Sadly, he is not alone

    I was not born when the Aborigines, Red Indians, Africa, IRA were killed...so your point is invadlid. That's like me getting 1000 years of Indian history and pointing out every human right's violation's. Futhermore at least we have solved the IRA problem....have you solved Kashmir yet. When you...
  9. G

    Cameron doesn't understand Pakistan. Sadly, he is not alone

    Stick to the topic.....and as it is a public forum I can say what I like...if you have a problem....speak to the Moderator. And about human riots....my goverment did not rape 882 women bewteen 1990 to 1996...plus we did not kill thousands of Kashmiri's......I can at least admit my goverment...
  10. G

    Cameron doesn't understand Pakistan. Sadly, he is not alone

    But that is under Indian rule..which they clearly don't want to be under...you can't have it both ways....you want Pakistan to stop terrorism...fair enough...however you want Kashmir to stay under your rule....even by keeping them hostage...when clearly the population is unhappy. This scenrio...
  11. G

    Cameron doesn't understand Pakistan. Sadly, he is not alone

    Well the past rape cases and killings done by the Indian army doesn't...really help matters. Miltants are only born if there is material to cause there anger to cause mayhem....so India is obviously doing soemthing wrong. What I don't understand is India wants the World to curb Pakistan and its...
  12. G

    Cameron doesn't understand Pakistan. Sadly, he is not alone

    Like I said before Pashwa maybe if India came to the table...Pakistan would reconsider...however my opinion is Pakistan does not trust India.....since it spilt Bangladesh...and funded Mukti Bahini...so maybe they want payback.....or maybe like I have read a lot in this forum....India are backing...
  13. G

    Cameron doesn't understand Pakistan. Sadly, he is not alone

    And what if that solution....does not solve the issue...what then....obviously the Kashmiri people are not in content with Indian rule.....so is it not best to give them Independence..from both Pakistan and India.
  14. G

    Taliban execute pregnant woman in Afghanistan

    I understand that the Taliban..are a bunch of savages...however this type of behavior happens when a country has been in ruins since the last 40 years..with constant war's. It is the fault of the world in not coming to the Aid of Afghanistan..when it really needed it the most..Like America it...
  15. G

    Cameron doesn't understand Pakistan. Sadly, he is not alone

    No I was asking you the question in why he is not arrested....there has to be a reason. Is there proof that he is providing hate speeches...if so then Pakistan should contain him.....my views never change Pashwa anyone who is an instigator of terrorism...i.e suicide bombing needs to be Put...
  16. G

    Cameron doesn't understand Pakistan. Sadly, he is not alone

    Pashwa it was nice debating with you....but I think I will doze off to sleep.. but as always its a pleasure to debate with you...hopefully we shall continue the debate tomorrow.
  17. G

    Cameron doesn't understand Pakistan. Sadly, he is not alone

    However that will only work if India changes it's tactics in how it handles its side of Kashmir...furthermore Kashmir has to come to the table....I am not saying that it should go to Pakistan....but it needs to be discussed...other wise the cycle will continue.....People like Abu Hamza were only...
  18. G

    Cameron doesn't understand Pakistan. Sadly, he is not alone

    did the Indian goverment have any real evidence that Hafiz was involved in the 26/11....If so why haven't the American's said to Pakistan to arrest him.....and he must of had a trial in Pakistan.....the Chief Justice probably thought that the evidence was not strong enough to put him in prison.....
  19. G

    Cameron doesn't understand Pakistan. Sadly, he is not alone

    Terrorists don't really have any distinations..when all they want is to cause mayhem.....India was a easy target maybe...thats why they chose it.
  20. G

    Cameron doesn't understand Pakistan. Sadly, he is not alone

    Its good that the intelligence services are on there feet...as that means they are doing there job to protect there countries.
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