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  1. G

    Cameron doesn't understand Pakistan. Sadly, he is not alone

    trolling as usual..stick to the topic
  2. G

    Cameron doesn't understand Pakistan. Sadly, he is not alone

    Oh really then why is there protest in Kashmir...if the great Indian Army can silence them....by using its guns. You have been having this kind of problem since 1989...so obviously your claim has no substance....as you have failed epically in controlling Kashmir. Futhermore how can you call...
  3. G

    Kashmir | News & Discussions.

    This is obvious that the Kashmiri people have given there verdict that they don't want to be part of India.....in my opinion I think its best if India relinqush it's hold on Kashmir.. and give freedom to the people...and I am not saying that it should go to Pakistan...but that it should be a...
  4. G

    Cameron doesn't understand Pakistan. Sadly, he is not alone

    I don't ignore facts...and when I see soemthing wrong....such as the British going into Iraq I condemn it...however clearly you Indian's don't have it in you to condemn the killings of Kashmir....the only perosn that was close was Pashwa...where he was discussing what type of solutions there...
  5. G

    Cameron doesn't understand Pakistan. Sadly, he is not alone

    Well I have reported you Indushek to the Moderators...now I will simple ignore you....
  6. G

    Cameron doesn't understand Pakistan. Sadly, he is not alone

    That is not being noble...its being plain stupid....well that is my opinion. The practice of sati in India the British banned it in 1829..because of its barbaric nature...how messed up is that a women will burn her sell because her husband is dead....talk about being stuck in the stone...
  7. G

    Cameron doesn't understand Pakistan. Sadly, he is not alone

    Well the Kashmiri don't feel that way do they...or haven't you looked at the news..that they are protesting against your goverment.....haha....yh they really do have a connection with India...in your dreams.
  8. G

    Cameron doesn't understand Pakistan. Sadly, he is not alone

    So does that mean..that you supported Saddam Hussein.....even if there was no WMD...we still took out a dictator... I may not agree..but at least we completed that objective.....what has India done squat...and that too in the last 60 years of the Kashmiri issue.
  9. G

    Cameron doesn't understand Pakistan. Sadly, he is not alone

    I am not confuse...and I am not a Pakistani...I am British.....its in my passport....it does not say Pakistani....so get your facts right. And I am not giving a lecture...I am simple giving my views...that is why I joined this forum...if you don't like it...simple don't bother responding to...
  10. G

    Cameron doesn't understand Pakistan. Sadly, he is not alone

    Naa we got tired of ruling you..we took what we needed.
  11. G

    Cameron doesn't understand Pakistan. Sadly, he is not alone

    At one time the Celtic people were the majority in Britain...but now they are in few in numbers...does that mean England should kick all the Anglo-french who came from the norman Invasion.
  12. G

    Cameron doesn't understand Pakistan. Sadly, he is not alone

    Same can be said about you...can you give proof of Indians inhabiting Iraq...in the Ancient, Medieval or Modern day Iraq....as your people seem so fond of bringing hired in Iraq.
  13. G

    Cameron doesn't understand Pakistan. Sadly, he is not alone

    Asia Times - US bartering arms for soldiers for Iraq Indian Soldiers Lured By Dollars By Siddharth Srivastava HAHAHA.....wow not so great our the Indian people....or its ex army soilders...who is the hypocrite now....haha.....you were made to look like a fool.
  14. G

    Cameron doesn't understand Pakistan. Sadly, he is not alone

    It's not a lecture..its my opinion...that is why I joined this forum to debate...if you don't like it then don't respond to me...its as simple as that. I knew you would use this tactic.....I have notice quite a lot from the Indians that they do two things...personally attack you....and go off...
  15. G

    Cameron doesn't understand Pakistan. Sadly, he is not alone

    Well this threas is not about the Prime Ministers ancestors its about...his understanding of Pakistan...slo why should I comment on that...its not logical....better luck next time.
  16. G

    Cameron doesn't understand Pakistan. Sadly, he is not alone

    Yes we did have witches..which were burned alive...which was fair enough was wrong...however more people have died of Sati..than of witches being burnt alive....that is wny the British banned such a disgusting backward ritual.....When we RULED OVER you.
  17. G

    Cameron doesn't understand Pakistan. Sadly, he is not alone

    Did I not say to you that my goverment was wrong...which part do you not understand.....or shall I water it down for you..so that it be comprended by your brain. So now that I have said my govermnet was wrong...will you do the same for your's......answer the question...don't go round in circles.
  18. G

    Cameron doesn't understand Pakistan. Sadly, he is not alone

    And that was 153 years ago..what is your point...even if his ancestors did that...then they were wrong...still your goverment is a murdering machine...it does not change that fact..does it...
  19. G

    Cameron doesn't understand Pakistan. Sadly, he is not alone

    Do you rememeber Ashoka.....haha.....first learn your old past History before you call other hypocrites...this level of thinking is what made you weak against us in the first place....and we ruled over you.....not you over us.....but we over you.
  20. G

    Cameron doesn't understand Pakistan. Sadly, he is not alone

    You must be blind..I have said repeatedly that my goverment has done wrong...but have you done the same for your's......I think not....I actually have the decency to be ashamed of what my goverement has done and did not suppport it going into Iraq.....but you on the other hand our supporting...
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