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  1. L

    China Winner in Australian Army Skill at Arms Meeting (AASAM)

    It certainly looks like a competition. And the "Sniper Pairs Championship" is won by the Chinese among the foreigners. So if it is championship match then it is a competition and you are certainly a "winner" if you got the highest score which China did. Also notice that the snipeer pairs...
  2. L

    China Winner in Australian Army Skill at Arms Meeting (AASAM)

    Unfortunately, I cannot post links. But you can search Google with "Results for Match 200: Sniper Assessment" which will get you the link to the AASAM 2013 result. There are many categories. Different countries have won different categories. Results for Match 200: Sniper Assessment Place...
  3. L

    China's sixth-generation fighter aircraft

    America is already developing its 6th generation fighters. It is not too early for China to begin the R&D of its own 6th gen fighter. It is not wise to wait until your enemy has develop a new weapon before you begin. That is the sure way to lose.
  4. L

    China Economy Forum

    The cost of wind power has been reducing. It is now on a par with coal fire power plants. China should implement a system of renewable energy and electric cars. Such a system will allow China to be energy self-sufficient.
  5. L

    China’s Plan to Beat U.S.: Missiles, Missiles and More Missiles

    It seems the more advanced versions of China's air to air missiles have ramjet engines. If this is true then it may mean that the range of the missiles will be greatly increased without increasing the weight of the missiles. Maybe it will allow more weight to be given to the payload. And if...
  6. L

    China’s Plan to Beat U.S.: Missiles, Missiles and More Missiles

    I don't think China is relying exclusively on missiles to fight its wars though missiles obviously have their advantages. One Ticonderoga-class cruiser is worth more than $1 billion and probably as much as $3 billion each while one Chinese missile is probably worth only $1 million each. So it...
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    Vietnam acknowledged Chinese sovereignty over South China Sea in 1958

    I have wasted several hours here and have said all I want to say and have answered all questions. To say more would be just repeating myself. I've got better things to do. Most Asians still don't know the big changes that have made China very strong both economically and militarily. It can...
  8. L

    Vietnam acknowledged Chinese sovereignty over South China Sea in 1958

    You are decades out of date. China has everything America has. And what China does not have it can make up the difference with other equalizing weapons. For example, China has deployed DF-21D anti-ship missiles that can sink aircraft carriers up to 2,000 miles away which is outside of combat...
  9. L

    Vietnam acknowledged Chinese sovereignty over South China Sea in 1958

    gambit's quote of Wiki: This doctrine legalizes de jure the de facto transfer of sovereignty caused in part by the original sovereign's extended negligence and/or neglect of the area in question. Since the latter part of the Qing Dynasty, China was continuously under attack from the West and...
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    Vietnam acknowledged Chinese sovereignty over South China Sea in 1958

    China had protested which is enough to sustain its sovereignty. You admitted yourself that you killed Chinese fishermen and "robed" (sic) islands from China. That is, you admitted you had stolen these islands from China. Now it is time for China to take back its sovereign islands. China has...
  11. L

    Vietnam acknowledged Chinese sovereignty over South China Sea in 1958

    ------------------------------------------------------------- First you have apparently missed the most essential point about prescription: "Prescription involves the open encroachment by the new sovereign upon the territory in question for a prolonged period of time, acting as the sovereign...
  12. L

    Vietnam acknowledged Chinese sovereignty over South China Sea in 1958

    Historical legitimacy is the entire issue. Once China has established its sovereignty, the issue is no longer debatable. It does not matter what the Vietnamese think or what the Europeans think. China has the sovereign right to defend its sovereign territories. It is like Vietnam claiming...
  13. L

    Vietnam acknowledged Chinese sovereignty over South China Sea in 1958

    You people don't have any idea what sovereignty is or sovereignty is established. Sovereignty is established by international common laws that require a country to claim sovereignty over a territory that is terra nullius or unoccupied land and then maintain occupation and control over it...
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