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    HAL Tejas | Updates, News & Discussions

    unbiased view on tejas...all goods n bads upto may 2012 July 2012 page number 44
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    China to send 396-strong team to London Olympics

    lovely...all the very best
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    How Will China Use Her New Aircraft Carrier?

    nice...all the best...wud love to see twin hulled AC... but as far as time frame is considered...if m not wrong this wont be ready by at least 2018 taking the earliest schedule... anyway...if its twin hulled...its marvellous...
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    China's arming Pakistan makes it second class enemy

    i dont care getting banned for this...but...forget "senior" YOU ARE TOO STUPID TO BE A MODERATOR
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    DRDO and ISRO working on cutting cost of access to space: Kalam

    india is strictly against space militarization
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    Indian Economy-News & Updates

    good the govt has kept 30 pc domestic industry clause
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    Indian Economy-News & Updates

    yup...thats true...so??...i dint find anything BAD that ur posting such stuff... flat sales are bound to dip...m waiting for a massive downfall in real estate to buy a flat in mumbai...the rates are too high right now for no bloody reason
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    Countering China: India's Baaz to spy on the Malacca Strait

    wat makes us different from pakistan when we keep mentioning CHINA CHINA CHINA in every defence article??.... media has gone crazy....media should never do 3 things....INTERPRETATION, PREDICTION, SHOW OFF THEIR OPINION
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    Long march: Next stop Islamabad!

    What the hell???...i was expecting to read about a spaceport being built near islamabad from where the chinese long march rockets will be launched...stupid me
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    China's arming Pakistan makes it second class enemy

    apparently u shud have researched a lil...dunno y a data digging guy like CD has thanked u nano got a clean chit from all investigations done on causes of fire...it was found that the fire was caused due to some deliberate malfunctioning in the electronics...even in the brand new cars...
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    China: Doing it all yourself has its drawbacks

    dreaming doesnt need learning...china is in their teens...india is still a toddler... :)
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    Flyovers in karachi

    man....karachi luks awesome..
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    Flyovers in karachi

    at one glance...it looks like any major indian cities...good going.. is lahore n islamabad progressing at same pace??
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    Is it real?

    Untold Truths about Gandhi-HoaxOrFact.com Analysis.
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    Avalanche traps about 150 Pakistani soldiers

    everytime i click "Today's Posts"....whenever i see the title of this thread...only one thing comes to my mind...involuntarily OMG....NOT ANOTHER MISHAP PLEASE... n then i check the number of pages n m like PHEW...THIS IS JUST THE EARLIER ONE...EVERY1 IS SAFE...
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    China becomes world leader in number of space launches

    Indian polix is already at an advanced stage...although less capable than GEMS...check the link in my post...thanks for the info...
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    Mirwaiz demands ban on Israeli tourists in Kashmir

    who the hell are these guys eh??...cant see any improvement for kashmir till they are there...when kashmiri youth is trying to earn... how can these guys not come out n stop them from earning n then blame india for lack of employment n poverty
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    China becomes world leader in number of space launches

    off topic... this is the first thread where martian2 is polite n m really loving reading his posts on topic... even india is planning to send an polar X-ray telescope in 2014....now heres the best part...its in a race with nasa for this...nasa too is sending a similar telescope... ISRO is in...
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    China becomes world leader in number of space launches

    congrats to china....5 spaceports do play a major role...i hope china works more on multiple sat launch capability
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    Is this Defence.pk or Indiandefence.pk

    thats their fault...i stand with u in that... but ive seen ur posts...even in good threads with sensible indians u dont leave a chance to bash indians
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