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  1. B

    A picture full of hope from India

    Glass half full or half empty??.... everything is useful..... tomorrow if you buy a phone and you dont know how to dial a number....its "USELESS".............understood??
  2. B

    India Lines Up Satellite Launches In July/August

    well there was no launch date before june....m very sure about it coz my excitement of seeing launch went down the drain coz i would be in college on july 1.
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    India Lines Up Satellite Launches In July/August

    nope...it was supposed to be launched on june 12....one delay of two weeks = july 1
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    Can we please have a SUPARCO sub forum?

    i still hope there might be a few minor activities going on within suparco....as per my perception....a science organization is always busy doing something no matter who what how..... but considering its pakistan....i cant say anything.....but m still little hopeful
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    Can we please have a SUPARCO sub forum?

    although not a pakistani and have nothing to do with this.... but i support the request for such a forum to be created....will generate interest about science and technology amongst pakistani ppl
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    India Developing, but still a long way to go

    as far as i remember this was for export to china....L&T used this in a hoarding advertisement
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    India Developing, but still a long way to go

    guys any updates on palais royale construction in mumbai??....it was supposed to open in 2013 and as far as i rem it was gonna surpass imperial towers (again in mumbai) to become india's tallest building
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    China surpasses West in quantum space race

    well saying that....u shud hav understood the sarcasm in my post too... when china starts to invent...we will love it
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    China surpasses West in quantum space race

    naturally stupid or purposely acting stupid??
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    Anyone studying Economics here and want to make some money?

    and they say Indo-pak trade wont flourish :P
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    1971 War: Map of PAF air strikes on IAF bases & infrastructure.

    well as they say... Everything's fair in love n war....the statement PAF wouldnt have bombed a "muslim monument" will always be controversial... possible reasons for bombing taj mahal: It was in India Would have damaged India's rept abroad Religion wouldnt matter coz in those days Taj...
  12. B

    Why India Will Displace China as Global Growth Engine

    predictions predictions and more predictions....china, india and the west....all predict...and every prediction is based on whats going on TODAY....the circumstances keep changing...how are these predictions (no matter how accurate the claim be) believable at this very moment??
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    Why India Will Displace China as Global Growth Engine

    communism is only in the name....china has gone way ahead of communism....
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    1971 War: Map of PAF air strikes on IAF bases & infrastructure.

    now this is something interesting... i remember reading somewhere how they covered whole of taj mahal so that PAF planes cudnt c them coz they were bombarding on a full moon night and the marble used to build taj mahal shines on a full moon night... this is one thread where 1971 war is...
  15. B

    Which part of India is more developed?

    personal opinion (off topic): i hate such analysis and predictions without parameters and specific regions.... india is hell diverse for such stuff...
  16. B

    Iran unveils space observation post

    do i see microsoft windows in the first pic??...... can iranian bros temme if american products are sold in common public n vice-versa??.... i neva find reliable info on iran apart from usual govt conflicts
  17. B

    China surpassing U.S. with 54.9 petaflop supercomputer

    a few years back india was way ahead of china in supercomputing.... india has everything except capital and infrastructure to get into the race again.... hearty congratulations to china..... hope to see india get in the race again
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    China Radio's Tamil station to launch FM channel in India

    i dint bother to read al da bullshit after second page....all i can conclude is... India has been looted and has been made so weak by foreign invaders (also due to the fault of indians themselves) that some people fail to realise that India was once the greatest nation.... and these "some...
  19. B

    US vs Russia - Carrier Operations

    this is a us vs russia thread
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