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  1. ghilzai

    Imran Khan Suggests Joint Indo-Pak Civil Nuclear cooperation.

    He has finally lost it, if he carries on like this he will not be winning votes again in kpk, he has lost the plot. You can never be friends with a snake, it's in its nature to bite.
  2. ghilzai

    South Asia a Major Power

    South Asia has never really been a power base and never will be, Kushans were outsiders just like the Mughals. Other empires you mentioned were short lived and only exerted their influence in South Asia and hardly any further. South Asia has always been Powered by outsiders be it...
  3. ghilzai

    Iran executes Ahwazi Arab activists accused of "enmity against God"

    That's your answer to the question, Shabash.
  4. ghilzai

    Iran executes Ahwazi Arab activists accused of "enmity against God"

    Arabs are not?, they are the most racist people to walk this earth, they were the inventors of slavery, hence a famous Arab word Hab (slave).
  5. ghilzai

    Iran executes Ahwazi Arab activists accused of "enmity against God"

    If you look closer to home and then ask the same question, worse happens then that in our land of pure.
  6. ghilzai

    Afghanistan won't bow to U.S. 'pressure' over security pact: official

    Go on land of khurasan, bow not to any pressure.
  7. ghilzai

    Iran executes Ahwazi Arab activists accused of "enmity against God"

    The evidence has to be passed on to the courts for them to decide the guilt or innocence. Why would or should someone provide you with evidence?, are you an Iranian citizen, a judge a lawyer who specialise in the law of the land?. Why not pay attention to the problems of your house rather then...
  8. ghilzai

    A ‘Muslim Union’ is the need of the hour

    Muslim Union is welcomed if there is no Arab presence. Now now you can't blame the hereditary backstabbing nature of Arabs on Islam.
  9. ghilzai

    Pakistan 'must be taught a lesson' with another war | Uddhav Thackeray.

    Promises promises, been waiting awfully long time but when the moment of truth comes, the biatch endsup having a period.
  10. ghilzai

    India and Pakistan will destroy their own people if they use nuclear bombs and missiles

    And what were the abdalis and durranis before that, Buddhist, fire worshippers, Islam brought itself to these lands the above just came for the loot.
  11. ghilzai

    India and Pakistan will destroy their own people if they use nuclear bombs and missiles

    Who brought Islam to you and what were you worshipping before that?., yup while they were worshipping idols we were kissing the Buddhas balls. What ever you say of Indians I don't care, here don't bring your superior afghan bull over Pakistanis, I know what afghans are.
  12. ghilzai

    Apologies from Rockstar

    Where did I drag India in to it?.
  13. ghilzai

    Apologies from Rockstar

    I don't think or mean that but he insulted pukhtoon people not me but people and I returned the favour. I consider all as just Pakistanis and brothers.
  14. ghilzai

    Apologies from Rockstar

    I unreservedly apologise from the bottom my heart to anyone of punjabi or Sindhi heritage if you have been offended by my remarks. I am sure you will understand that when our ethnicity is insulted without a just reason we will respond. He insulted pukhtoons as people and I with hard heart...
  15. ghilzai

    Apologies from Rockstar

    @DESERT FIGHTER lar Oma, to hell with him. Allah payeman.
  16. ghilzai

    Apologies from Rockstar

    We'll you been keeping company with stupid people, no way are we the same afghans themselves are not the same.
  17. ghilzai

    Apologies from Rockstar

    No problem at all, all I ask is you read the national issues section where he insulted pukhtoons as people, if it was towards me I would have ignored him but against the whole pukhtoon people is unacceptable. However I will let it go but if this man has any balls he can tell me where he is or...
  18. ghilzai

    Apologies from Rockstar

    Who is an afghan?.
  19. ghilzai

    Apologies from Rockstar

    Kha de wroora.
  20. ghilzai

    Apologies from Rockstar

    Ok brother but read his posts in national issues.
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