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  1. ghilzai

    Those opposing Modi will have to go to Pakistan: BJP leader

    Well am no punjabi and I haven't encountered any problems. You are confused you are either a Muslim or a kadayani, a man who doesn't know that shouldn't really comment on others.
  2. ghilzai

    Punjab to fund Balochistan projects

    The current one, that was a big slap to anyone west of the indus, now if we said that about Iran or khurasan then we would have been labelled traitors, Shias etc etc and the hoo ha.
  3. ghilzai

    Punjab to fund Balochistan projects

    To a nation whose leader once said , there is no difference between India and Pakistan, we are one people same people, divided by a boundary, our god is one, our food is same, our language is same our eating habits are the same. Someone forgot about the nation, Pukhtoon and Baluch in that...
  4. ghilzai

    Those opposing Modi will have to go to Pakistan: BJP leader

    Obsession with Pakistan, why not Bangladesh, Nepal, Srilanka?. Dumb Indians don't understand we don't like you guys Muslim Hindu Sikh whatever you are we don't want you here.
  5. ghilzai

    Russia in talks with India for $30 billion pipeline

    Let them take a look, they can enjoy their sonar Bangladesh, they carry the blood of traitors then can never be on equal footing as me, even a Hindus has more status in my eyes then them.
  6. ghilzai

    Punjab to fund Balochistan projects

    Well move them over, we want equal share, if population is a burden on you send them to us as long as we get our equal share. Reflect on your own leaders, your own party before you make such comments.
  7. ghilzai

    Punjab to fund Balochistan projects

    Who ever said punjabis were complicit in drone attacks?. Separation is a word used to keep those who ask for their rights under the cosh, reality is very different. Do you not know the word terrorist and wot is used to achieve other motives, the word seeking separation is no different. Those...
  8. ghilzai

    Russia in talks with India for $30 billion pipeline

    1971 was the best thing to happen, we got rid of the sub humans, defeat or victory the result couldn't be better. How could I have called those creatures pakistani.
  9. ghilzai

    Punjab to fund Balochistan projects

    We even go as far as to say mine it, grab every illegal and send them packing. Our area has been destroyed by the afghans, we want government to grow balls and fence and mine the border.
  10. ghilzai

    Punjab to fund Balochistan projects

    Why does it have to be population dependant?, maybe we don't like having too many kids but does that mean we don't want our equal share?. NFC Should be divided equally between all provinces, if population of Punjab is too high then it's their problem. Punjabs population becomes a burden then...
  11. ghilzai

    Punjab to fund Balochistan projects

    Ya innocent Pukhtoons killed in drone attacks, many Baluch unaccounted for, no mention of that anywhere hay?. All I said is we don't need help and the response has been unbelievable
  12. ghilzai

    Punjab to fund Balochistan projects

    I didn't bash no province I just highlighted they robbed us of election, we don't need their help, how is that ethnic or provincial bashing?. Do you deny that they rigged the votes, do you deny the seats per population is designed against other groups?. No don't tell me about senate, we are...
  13. ghilzai

    Punjab to fund Balochistan projects

    What we don't love pakistan?, have we not fought for it, died for it, worked for it, plz don't make it sound ethnic to me. Who when where, we haven't killed anyone nor do we agree with anyone killing, punjabi people are most welcomed here to live, work, settle. All I said Punjab should...
  14. ghilzai

    Punjab to fund Balochistan projects

    PPP is a Pakistani party unlike PMLN Which is a punjabi Representitive party, PPP was led by corrupt and those who have hijacked it. What's so bad about saying don't worry about us we don't need your help, help yourself first and not worry about us?.
  15. ghilzai

    Punjab to fund Balochistan projects

    Great now you can go back to your noddy land, where all of you are just Pakistanis.
  16. ghilzai

    Punjab to fund Balochistan projects

    Well it definitely is not what u r smoking MR PAKISTANI.
  17. ghilzai

    Hamid Mir Attacked | TTP Claims Responsibility

    Hope that he is dead, if not there always a second time, traitor bastard.
  18. ghilzai

    Punjab to fund Balochistan projects

    Whatever you say brother, we know reality is very different, we also understand how much the Bengalis were considered as Pakistanis, they won the votes but lost. Simple Punjab should concentrate on it's own territory and people, we don't need their help, we are just fine.
  19. ghilzai

    Punjab to fund Balochistan projects

    Well what ever rocks your boat, we understand a Pakistani is only a male of punjabi origin the rest are Khurrasanis and so on, anything but not Pakistanis.
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