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  1. ghilzai

    Kabul needs to act to bring back refugees: Pakistan

    @Pak-one The guy is mad, he just doesn't get it no one buys his bull Shyte ideology, we don't believe in loy Afghanistan or pukhtoonistan for that matter. This chap has so much love of Afghans but he fails to sees that actually Pakistani Pukhtoons have hatred towards Afghan, they have...
  2. ghilzai

    Kabul needs to act to bring back refugees: Pakistan

    @Pak-one Why don't you cross over to be with your brothers, but trust me they will not accept you as one if their own. You don't have respect of your people razakara and you go seeking respect of others, Dimag kar kigi?.
  3. ghilzai

    No houses on rent for Indians in Singapore

    Well told you the answer, I take it didn't go down too well, but that is the truth.
  4. ghilzai

    No houses on rent for Indians in Singapore

    A dark skinned Subhuman Indian.
  5. ghilzai

    Kabul needs to act to bring back refugees: Pakistan

    Here is a shocker we don't wanna be with you, we totally despise you and look down on you guys, so you can keep in dreaming. I am muslim by religion, Pashtun by ethnicity/nasal and pakistani by nationality, marwat by tribe. If you ask any pashtun, he will place islam above every thing, the...
  6. ghilzai

    Kabul needs to act to bring back refugees: Pakistan

    We are not the one and same people, we are Pakistanis and they are Afghans it's that simple. Just because someone speaks pushto or Dari and shares same culture as me doesn't make him One of me. Your love for them is your own but don't expect others to be so loving. Do you love Pakistan? Do...
  7. ghilzai

    A Brief History of The Warrior Rajputs

    No one is saying they are fake but they can hardly be called the genuine article too, however no one is denying they may carry the Central Asian blood.
  8. ghilzai


    How in this world do you know that they don't take Indian money. Just tell me
  9. ghilzai

    Modi to destroy Pakistan in 6 months | Senior Shiv Sena Leader.

    Well how many of then do you think are well trained to use and the quality and diversity of arms?. Well good luck I think Everyman has right to own arms.
  10. ghilzai

    Modi to destroy Pakistan in 6 months | Senior Shiv Sena Leader.

    The guns in India or USA are all registered or their quantity is known, here in Pakistan everyone has a gun it's just not registered for us to have an accurate figure. I am proud owner of Ak 47 an AK74. I also have two pump action shot guns, I have RPG too and hand grenades, 3 pistols and a G3...
  11. ghilzai

    GCC Seeks To Form Military Bloc With Jordan, Morocco

    So you admit they gave you caste and religion, well at least that's a start.
  12. ghilzai

    Let Modi come to power Bangladesh and Pakistan will be part of United India

    It was never their civilisation in first place, it's just how blacks say Jesus was black, while we all know that's not true. Obsession with Pakistan, seems to be the new religion of Indians.
  13. ghilzai

    GCC Seeks To Form Military Bloc With Jordan, Morocco

    Hinduism was never my religion, but it's a popular word on your tongue so you must be thinking about. I don't consider them as my brothers or equal, now it means me going back to paganism then fine. I was a Pukhtoon before religion and I am still that a Pukhtoon. You carry on calling them...
  14. ghilzai

    Arab royal hunts down 2,100 houbara bustards in three week safari

    So you all the munafiqeens from Middle East shouldn't be believed is that what you are trying to say?.
  15. ghilzai

    Pakistan warns Afghan Taliban and Haqqani Network

    Less warnings and more bombing and killing is the need of the hour to indiscriminately kill all these bastards, future of peace and Pakistan depends on it. I wanna see some open air killing and burning.
  16. ghilzai

    Chaudhry Rehmat Ali: ‘He coined the word Pakistan, we forgot to mention him in history’

    I have never accepted Jinnah as my Quaid or Baba E Qom but this man I will happily call all that and salute, true father of the nation.
  17. ghilzai

    Arab royal hunts down 2,100 houbara bustards in three week safari

    Oh you just an unwanted Semite as I said to you your existence was by luck as Abraham was struggling to have a child out of his Jewish counterpart, you guys were a regret and a mistake later on. Don't think the Jews will be happy you calling yourself Semite, no go and stick your head back in...
  18. ghilzai

    Arab royal hunts down 2,100 houbara bustards in three week safari

    Well I always stick to Pakistan, I don't give a **** about Iran but if it means working with like minded people to destroy the belly of the beast then be it. How can you compare an Arab to an Iranian, Iranians be it Sunni or Shia are historic people with civilisations and culture that no camel...
  19. ghilzai

    Arab royal hunts down 2,100 houbara bustards in three week safari

    And those same people the Othmans you stabbed in the back. All those wisemen and prophets killed and persecuted by jewoarab , and you wonder why you guys are cursed.
  20. ghilzai

    Arab royal hunts down 2,100 houbara bustards in three week safari

    He is a racist who doesn't consider Baluch & Pukhtoons and Shias Pakistani and calls them trash, those are the group that are 35%, he is an Arab lover.
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