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  1. ghilzai

    South Asia UNITE against western european propaganda and lies against Indians / Pakistani

    Well I heard Sri Lanka has shown you the middle finger too, so try to understand no body wants union with India.
  2. ghilzai

    South Asia UNITE against western european propaganda and lies against Indians / Pakistani

    Where was Middle East and Arabs mentioned in my post?. Iran is not Middle East but west Asia, Afghanistan is non Arab and so is Central Asia so where religion and third grade Muslim came in to it?. Religion has nothing to do with it, now not everyone in pakistan shares culture or language with...
  3. ghilzai

    South Asia UNITE against western european propaganda and lies against Indians / Pakistani

    Thxs but no thxs, only union pakistan should work for is the union with Iran, Afghanistan and Central Asian republics. I had to laugh, if Bhutanese are different then is not Indians different themselves racially just look at north and south.
  4. ghilzai

    Mullah Fazlullah arrested in Upper Dir: Report

    Well I hope it's true, then a trial and a good hanging is need of the hour.
  5. ghilzai

    What Iranians and Saudis refuse to realize!

    It seems we are both mad as each other, lol.
  6. ghilzai

    What Iranians and Saudis refuse to realize!

    Figure of speech, As no unity can be possible with the yahuds. I am not your bro plz don't insult me.
  7. ghilzai

    A question for ALL INDIANS

    I am ghilzai a Khilji not ghiljai, thxs.
  8. ghilzai

    A question for ALL INDIANS

    He is a confused person, personally I don't give a damn about Jinnah he is no body to me, who loves him hates him is their choice. Partition for us was purely racial and not religious for other Pakistanis it was religious rather then racial. You have to be confused to have a nick that says...
  9. ghilzai

    North-West Muslims will prove the best defenders of India

    You expected these murderous invaders to help you protect India?. Were those not invaders who came and gave you civilisation and created cities that you claim as yours and gave you Hinduism before the next set of invaders came.
  10. ghilzai

    A question for ALL INDIANS

    I been around the world pretty much every country but home Is malakand and well we never needed to live abroad or study. Makeup your mind, few posts back you accused us of not fighting for liberation of India and now we are the invaders, looters etc etc. You just lost the plot.
  11. ghilzai

    A question for ALL INDIANS

    We differ on the matter but I can appreciate if you feel otherwise, that doesn't make you a more or less Pakistani, just like me not accepting Jinnah as my quaid doesn't make more or less patriotic Pakistani. I still stand by my opinion he was a criminal, however I respect your opinion. Ps...
  12. ghilzai

    A question for ALL INDIANS

    He did nothing for my freedom I have always been free, he was a criminal. I see well when you have no answer you love the way we get butchered, don't forget the treatment we gave you, still hurting you today. If you wish to stick to the topic fine if not don't quote me.
  13. ghilzai

    North-West Muslims will prove the best defenders of India

    Well we are no bodies soldiers but soldiers of our own people you should have even realised that now with wot going on.
  14. ghilzai

    A question for ALL INDIANS

    I am a citizen of a nation and part of a race that always conquered India, why the hell would we fight for its freedom?. We fought for the freedom of the land we loved and spanked the British, yet a nation of a billion people preferred to be slaves. I am a ghilzai sir, I don't wish to be...
  15. ghilzai

    A question for ALL INDIANS

    Religion has nothing to do with it, to me religion is second to race. He was tried found guilty and hanged, that's called justice.
  16. ghilzai

    North-West Muslims will prove the best defenders of India

    What happened to bacha khan then?, last I heard he was buried in jalalabad , obviously he got it all wrong and people told him that. Muslims of northwest are not Indian and never we're going to protect India or Indian Muslims. Iqbal got that very wrong.
  17. ghilzai

    A question for ALL INDIANS

    He was a terrorist, filthy creature deserved what he got.
  18. ghilzai

    North-West Muslims will prove the best defenders of India

    But why would or should people of northwest protect India or Indian Muslims? Why why why?. Why the hell would we fight afghans who are our kin and kith to protect Indians be it Muslims or non Muslims. Pakistan is a totally different story as our elders gave blessing to it and its our duty to...
  19. ghilzai

    A question for ALL INDIANS

    We'll let the time tell, we leave it at that.
  20. ghilzai

    What Iranians and Saudis refuse to realize!

    Waste of bandwidth, only good Arab Muslim is a dead Arab Muslim. Say no to unity no to peace with Arabs.
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