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  1. ghilzai


    Khade de wroora, singa Hal de, Johor takra?.
  2. ghilzai


    Now if they had beauties like this all over pakistan lol. Top Baluch, bottom pukhtoon.
  3. ghilzai


    Similar after all we are cousins.
  4. ghilzai

    Pakistan wins Kabbedi World Cup !

    Who cares kabaddi is such a gay game.
  5. ghilzai

    Parliamentarians of Afghanistan demand Pak-Afghan border as travel visa free zone

    You can do what you want on your side of the border, we couldn't care less, no need to tell us just go ahead and do it. Thread is about pakistan and Afghanistan so keep India out of it no one is interested.
  6. ghilzai

    Pakistani mega hit film ‘'Waar'’ | Reviews & Discussions.

    Don't have a go at him, he couldn't even spell his name properly hence Pathan rather then pukhtoon. Never met a pukhtioon who called himself a Pathan.
  7. ghilzai

    Parliamentarians of Afghanistan demand Pak-Afghan border as travel visa free zone

    I make you right on that, we know who is genuine and who is not. We can allow those who are loyal and accepting pakistan as their land and are ready to die for it, others we should just use as furnace fuel.
  8. ghilzai

    Parliamentarians of Afghanistan demand Pak-Afghan border as travel visa free zone

    If I become the sultan of khiljistan I would have you as the main man running it. I just prefer the title that's all lol. The day is not far when borders of pakistan will be from Amu Darya to Lahore, with the capital being Islamabad and me being the sultan lol.
  9. ghilzai

    Parliamentarians of Afghanistan demand Pak-Afghan border as travel visa free zone

    Yes it's true that ghilzais are associated with the bittani tribe however I believe ghilzais are a tribe itself who has very little association with other pukhtoon tribes other then that ghilzais have been pushtoonised . Ghilji or Ghilzai are one of the most famous tribes of Afghanistan. They...
  10. ghilzai

    Parliamentarians of Afghanistan demand Pak-Afghan border as travel visa free zone

    Durranis are different tribe, historically they have been the ruling power while Ghilzais have been the military power. Durranis and ghilzais are not the same one is iranic the other is mixed Turkic. Well they can board from chahbahar that you Indians keep singing about.
  11. ghilzai

    Parliamentarians of Afghanistan demand Pak-Afghan border as travel visa free zone

    Ghilzais of Afghanistan should take over Afghanistan and all will be ok. Ghilzais love for pakistan is eternal.
  12. ghilzai

    Parliamentarians of Afghanistan demand Pak-Afghan border as travel visa free zone

    They are very wrong, they have leached off us and we had enough of them maybe India should offer them visa free entry. As Pakistanis we had enough of these retarded, selfish and criminal minded afghans. Give the 4 million afghans in our country refuge take them to India since you have great...
  13. ghilzai

    Parliamentarians of Afghanistan demand Pak-Afghan border as travel visa free zone

    Not entirely, we do have families on either side of the border, however there should be a visa system for them and us so we can keep track of who is going and who is coming. We are against visa free entry however we are pro visa on arrival policy. Damn these afghans they only understand one...
  14. ghilzai

    South Asia UNITE against western european propaganda and lies against Indians / Pakistani

    Well that's good but unfortunately not everyone on this planet looks at it from the angle you do. Indians here are very ignorant they think everyone is pakistan is same speaks same, looks the same and then the ultimate one will be we Indians and Pakistanis are the same. Reality is far from it...
  15. ghilzai

    South Asia UNITE against western european propaganda and lies against Indians / Pakistani

    Your ignorance is your downfall, Hinduism was a religion it doesn't make you an Indian, how Islam doesn't make you an Arab. Since you brought DNA in to it. Indians themselves have different genetic groups you only have to look at ASI and ANI, that clearly shown you that as Indians you are not...
  16. ghilzai

    A question for ALL INDIANS

    We surely respect him if not love him. Are you for real?. Questioning if I am a typical Hindu who hates Sikhs and other religions. Please tap in ghilzai in to google and you will find am far from all the above you mentioned. I just stated facts he was a criminal got a fair trial and a fair...
  17. ghilzai

    South Asia UNITE against western european propaganda and lies against Indians / Pakistani

    Confused identity is on your part, never net a punjabi who called himself and Indian but just punjabi. We know what our identity is Muslim of pukhtoon, punjabi, Sindhi and punjabi heritage and pure Pakistanis.
  18. ghilzai

    South Asia UNITE against western european propaganda and lies against Indians / Pakistani

    I know what west Asia is I think you need to educate yourself that even in South Asian people are racially different to one another, just look at north and South Indians. Spare me the dodgy language you are speaking, if I start you won't understand a word.
  19. ghilzai

    South Asia UNITE against western european propaganda and lies against Indians / Pakistani

    Nothing then, there will be no unity that is a promise, pakistan wouldn't want a large scale civil war. Dogz hay, well that description suits you guys well because we kick you but you keep coming for more with unity threads. I can see how someone in Amritsar is same as someone in Tamil Nadu.
  20. ghilzai

    South Asia UNITE against western european propaganda and lies against Indians / Pakistani

    You know yourself no body takes him seriously, he is just a prime minister on paper and he only won from his own province other 3 rejected him, so that clearly tells you how much influence he has.
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