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  1. ghilzai

    South Asia UNITE against western european propaganda and lies against Indians / Pakistani

    Well me and desert-fighter will stick out like sore thumbs if we claimed to be Indians but there you go jumping your gun without knowing any facts.
  2. ghilzai

    South Asia UNITE against western european propaganda and lies against Indians / Pakistani

    Ancient text that you go by the Vedic etc are themselves a foreign, so what one subcontinent?. All I see is you clinching on others achievement and claiming them as their own. You say it was a one country full of kingdoms, well then it wasn't a country and wasn't culturally similar to have all...
  3. ghilzai

    South Asia UNITE against western european propaganda and lies against Indians / Pakistani

    I wouldn't dream of claiming your ancestry, it's the Central Asians be it the Huns, Kushans, Gujjars who are the real ancestors of North Indians.
  4. ghilzai

    South Asia UNITE against western european propaganda and lies against Indians / Pakistani

    But that still doesn't explain that why in India there are two groups Ancestral North Indian and Ancestral South Indian, here every Indian claims that they are genetically same if so then why two groups and why huge differences?.
  5. ghilzai

    South Asia UNITE against western european propaganda and lies against Indians / Pakistani

    But you was quick to point your finger without knowing jack Shyte.
  6. ghilzai

    South Asia UNITE against western european propaganda and lies against Indians / Pakistani

    My ancestors didn't migrate but defeated their opponents and ruled the subcontinent, ever heard of the khiljis?. Turkic people didn't come from turkey but actually conquered what is modern day turkey. Afghans are either iranic or Turkic and I being a pukhtoon relate to the Turkic side. So...
  7. ghilzai

    South Asia UNITE against western european propaganda and lies against Indians / Pakistani

    Well you just contradicted yourself, there was no difference but yet you have caste system where Dalits will always be discriminated against. Far from it there are 40 million like me who will always refer to themselves as either iranic or Turkic but never Arab. We look down on Arabs.
  8. ghilzai

    South Asia UNITE against western european propaganda and lies against Indians / Pakistani

    You foolish man, where did I or anyone of us claim to be Arabs, when ever did Arabs rule subcontinent?. Central Asian Turco afghans did, I don't claim to be an Arab but I am pakistani of Turco afghan heritage.
  9. ghilzai

    South Asia UNITE against western european propaganda and lies against Indians / Pakistani

    Well you claim the beauty was no colour or race but yet to this day you have caste system and Dalits, so how can you claim that there was no colour or race when it is happening in the 21st century India. Hindukush was a name given to the mountains as lots of Hindu slaves used to be taken to...
  10. ghilzai

    Afghanistan, India and Iran to ink transit agreement

    We don't want them to be dependant on us, we want them to chose their destiny, we had enough of them. It will fail miserably, just keep watching the show. Says an afghan. Kuna warka.
  11. ghilzai

    South Asia UNITE against western european propaganda and lies against Indians / Pakistani

    You can see how they look same as Indians and especially South Indians. Lol the effort you will go to but you can't bury the truth.
  12. ghilzai

    South Asia UNITE against western european propaganda and lies against Indians / Pakistani

    So if the Pakistanis towards the Indian border are Indians, so what about South Indians are you going to claim that those Pakistanis who live towards the Indian border are genetically and culturally same as them too?.
  13. ghilzai

    South Asia UNITE against western european propaganda and lies against Indians / Pakistani

    If I post pictures of Baluch they wouldn't be any different from the ones I posted. Sindhis and punjabis can post their own we don't have gujratis them umpa lumpas are found only in India and in Karachi. So looking at those pics you still feel you are same as us? Honestly and logically. They...
  14. ghilzai

    South Asia UNITE against western european propaganda and lies against Indians / Pakistani

    So you proved my point that it was a mini continent and never one country, racially, genetically, culturally very different.
  15. ghilzai

    Congrats! Fazlullah is in custody!

    Khade wroora, it's just I have as much love for Arabs as judas had for Jesus.
  16. ghilzai

    South Asia UNITE against western european propaganda and lies against Indians / Pakistani

    You got that very wrong genetically we are very different, @shaan has given results of DNA and so yet you still say we are genetically same.
  17. ghilzai

    South Asia UNITE against western european propaganda and lies against Indians / Pakistani

    Well Indians will always like to associate themselves with Pakistanis even if pakistan was on the other side of the globe. The pictures above are clearly indicator of difference but despite that they will associate themselves with Pakistanis. No limit to their shame. Indians can shout from...
  18. ghilzai

    Congrats! Fazlullah is in custody!

    Has your government decided to finance another wahabi terrorist group since TTP is weakened?.
  19. ghilzai

    Pakistan wins Kabbedi World Cup !

    Worse then each other both games, now football is a mans game along with buzkashi.
  20. ghilzai


    @Armstrong I think I will make you the minister for food and agriculture when I finally become the sultan of khiljistan. You do know a lot about food.
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