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  1. ghilzai

    Fair? - A documentary about skin colour in India

    They probably do but where I am I haven't seen one honest to god. Ps you got to have electric to watch tv and that is a commodity here.
  2. ghilzai

    Fair? - A documentary about skin colour in India

    Khade khoora and there was me thinking u liked me cuz of my skin colour looks like I got that wrong lol.
  3. ghilzai

    Fair? - A documentary about skin colour in India

    Nothing like a fuller woman keeps you warm in the winter.
  4. ghilzai

    Fair? - A documentary about skin colour in India

    Not in our country well from what I have seen, colour doesn't matter a punjabi will marry me cuz am decent and not cuz I am green eyed pukhtoon and likewise I will do the same.
  5. ghilzai

    Fair? - A documentary about skin colour in India

    Dude in my community we have blonde and blue eyed people but that doesn't make them clever, Srilankan might look like he has just come out of a furnace but his brain power is unquestionable. In anger we use racial slur but we all know colour don't mean Shyte.
  6. ghilzai

    Fair? - A documentary about skin colour in India

    I have but my eye site is bad lol so no joy.
  7. ghilzai

    Fair? - A documentary about skin colour in India

    You can't really say the British because it was always before that aswell as South Indians wanted to be fair like North Indians who in turn wanted to be like those in what is pakistan and those in pakistan wanted to be fair like afghans and Iranians so on and so on. I prefer dark skinned girls...
  8. ghilzai

    Fair? - A documentary about skin colour in India

    You can't blame the advertisers as they will advertise according to the demand and trend. If I didn't want a firearm there wouldn't be no Darra simple as that.
  9. ghilzai

    Fair? - A documentary about skin colour in India

    Quite good I been using them for years lol.
  10. ghilzai

    South Asia UNITE against western european propaganda and lies against Indians / Pakistani

    The only time South Asians are United is when the foreigners hold the throne of power. Everyone is welcomed to join under the banner of Islam and Khiljis at the throne and the nations called Pakistan.
  11. ghilzai

    Maryam Nawaz Sharif: Rising star on Pakistan's political firmament

    The only thing rising about Maryam nawaz sharif is her weight.
  12. ghilzai

    South Asia UNITE against western european propaganda and lies against Indians / Pakistani

    Khiljis came from Afghanistan, and there are many khiljis in Pakistan. What does your tiny little brain define as a true Pakistani?. Like North Indians are not true Indians.
  13. ghilzai

    Shia cleric Allama Nasir Abbas shot dead in Lahore

    Rip, damn extremist they have infiltrated the government. Sad day for Pakistan.
  14. ghilzai


    Yeah if you looking to die young.
  15. ghilzai


    You forgot some pakistani members :p:
  16. ghilzai

    History’s baggage: Pakistan’s Punjab problem

    Bottom line is punjabis always had everything and therefore they were always in their comfort zone and didn't need to change anything. We on the other hand had nothing therefore we were and are risk takers, we had nothing to loose but everything to win. Punjabi taunting is just banter, deep...
  17. ghilzai


    Ok fella have some more naswar it's my day off today we will debate tomorrow. Peace.
  18. ghilzai


    I have visited that forum many times but since the anti pak sentiments were rife I decided not to go there. They called me one of them and brother but I can never be brothers with those who hold animosity towards my beloved pakistan. Mostly kids on that forum and I wouldn't trust an afghan as...
  19. ghilzai


    Am not afghan though, I appreciate your help and efforts for my kin but I am no afghan.
  20. ghilzai


    Quite true but Iran holds a special place in our heart, always has always will. No issues with Arabs if they have no issues with Iran, and no I am not Shia but a Sunni hanafi. We are pro pak as our elders accepted pak as their nation and we will shed last drop of blood to preserve this land...
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