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  1. ghilzai

    How Pakistan can become an economic force in the region?

    I said if, read my post again.
  2. ghilzai

    How Pakistan can become an economic force in the region?

    I was just merely pointing out that it is the choice of the majority public what they want be secularism or Islam. I pointed out to you that majority of the peoples demand is shariah system, if 75 percent want that then be it, if they want to burn the nation and are clear cut majority then it...
  3. ghilzai

    Saudi Arabia Will Go It Alone

    All the education from the top universities and Arabs head is still stuck in the camels a$$.
  4. ghilzai

    How Pakistan can become an economic force in the region?

    why not leave if you are dissatisfied?, have you done a referendum to find out what people want?, judging by the mood of the people they want shariah.
  5. ghilzai

    How Pakistan can become an economic force in the region?

    Number 1, if it was created in the name of Islam then it would be stupidity to pursue secularism. Number 6, realigning itself with its cultural identity, well what cultural indentity should we do that with then with Pukhtoon, Baloch, Sindhi or Punjabi?. We share not one culture other then the...
  6. ghilzai

    Ocean of Tears Kashmir rape by hindu indian army

    What you worried about in another thread you wasn't an Indian, so what's rattling your cage?. I only insulted after they insulted.
  7. ghilzai

    Ocean of Tears Kashmir rape by hindu indian army

    Yup the Aryan's came and converted u to Hinduism and still to this day u r slave to it. Damn them Aryan's were clever they just tore ur sass apart.
  8. ghilzai

    Ocean of Tears Kashmir rape by hindu indian army

    Always a foreigner to rule u, always slave Now if the Hindus believe in the same concept of faith without seeing then where did the idols come from?. Some if these idols have 6 arms, elephants head etc etc so same concept can't be applied here as how and where did these shapes come from?.
  9. ghilzai

    Ocean of Tears Kashmir rape by hindu indian army

    U r stupid if u read what I said the whole concept if faith is to believe in something u haven't seen. If u saw it then there is no point of faith, so yes I believe in the moon being broken I believe in a Pegasus going heaven. Horse doesn't fly a Pegasus does u fool.
  10. ghilzai

    Ocean of Tears Kashmir rape by hindu indian army

    Same can be asked of u and all the bull. Go away cockroach this is pakistani forum shwww u r were bad in ur past life that's y u r a fly today so shwwwe
  11. ghilzai

    Ocean of Tears Kashmir rape by hindu indian army

    Ok my little my subhuman monkey, I know u ain't got heart for anything other then just go and cry in front of an idol. @Aeronaut they started it on Islam we just finished it off, if it means a ban then b it, cuz I am what I am.
  12. ghilzai

    Ocean of Tears Kashmir rape by hindu indian army

    The whole concept of faith is to believe in something u haven't seen. Not much faith when a 6 arm wankr is standing in front of u.
  13. ghilzai

    Ocean of Tears Kashmir rape by hindu indian army

    Wow did u think all that by ur self, how is Sonia Gandhi how is her Roman Empire going on u guys?.
  14. ghilzai

    Ocean of Tears Kashmir rape by hindu indian army

    We gave them that Shyte and skanked them off, man with 6 arms u don't need that many hands to b a wankr.
  15. ghilzai

    Ocean of Tears Kashmir rape by hindu indian army

    U changed ur tone quickly didn't u, well well subhuman monkey.
  16. ghilzai

    Ocean of Tears Kashmir rape by hindu indian army

    Now that's guts that we still keep on fighting and no surrender, but u guys wouldn't know what guts are.
  17. ghilzai

    Ocean of Tears Kashmir rape by hindu indian army

    U frustrated cuz u can't handle the past. So how was that for guts tell me?.
  18. ghilzai

    Ocean of Tears Kashmir rape by hindu indian army

    So tell me was that's guts or not?. Now u can't answer that u cockroach.
  19. ghilzai

    Ocean of Tears Kashmir rape by hindu indian army

    Mumbai rings a bell?. Now that's guts.
  20. ghilzai

    Ocean of Tears Kashmir rape by hindu indian army

    Yup khiljis were ur daddies oh that padmini and many more they just love a man with balls and light skin.
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